Turnover Analysis

I have noticed one area of our hospital is experiencing a higher rate of turnove than others. I would like to do some turnover analysis particular to the department and jobs of that department. Does anyone know of any tool which could help me do this type of job or turnover analysis?

Jack from Okoboji


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Jack,

    There is a psychologist that used to work at the Saratoga Institute who has developed a method and software for doing exit interviews and retention studies that has been extremely effective in turning up issues that cause employees to leave a company. One employer got some significant data on the need for supervisory training in a specific area and another discovered that they had lost several key people to another employer because of a specific benefit they offered. With this information, they were able to stop the exodus from their company. I'd be glad to give you more information if you like. Please call me at 615-371-8200 if you're interested.

    Margaret Morford
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