Does anyone have any experience with TB?
Have employee with latent TB. Had chest x-ray and will have to take medicine. Will be able to produce document saying they are free of communicable diseases. However, employee has said that if they miss doses they will become communicable. I have no way of knowing if or when this would happen. All the other employees know (from infected employee) already and are not real happy with the person working.
If I don't let the person work, it will have to be for the six months of medicine.
1. Has anyone heard of TB qualifying under ADA?
2. Do I have a legal obligation in protecting other employees in this circumstance?



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Rely on the MD's statement which will certify ability to work. If the MD says the employee can work, then you shouldn't have any issues with this being communicable. LTBI is probably an exposure to the TB bacterium or is the result of a positive PPD. Having considerable experience in this area, employees typically receive a medication regimen of 6-12 mos, with periodic liver profiles to determine that the TB has not gone active. There's generally no issue of "infecting " others and people can lead normal lives throughout the treatment regimen. If you don't have an employee health MD to assist you, speak to an internal medicine specialist who can help you sort thru your concerns. You'll be better informed and can therefore educate the other staff who may have anxiety and unnecessary fears.
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