Sexual Harassment Case Law

I am in the process of developing a training session on Harassment. I always like to "beef" up my training sessions with case law. Can any of you attorney out there give me some case law (like landmark decisions, etc.) on harassment cases that I can include in my training. Thanks.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm not an attorney but have expert witness experience in this area. Look these up - they are the most recent biggies. Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, Inc. (same sex harassment), Burlington Industries v. Ellerth, Faragherv. City of Boca Raton (these reflect the importance of proper procedures to address complaints). All three of these cases are US Supreme Court cases in 1998.
  • I'm glad you asked the question about sexual harassment cases. There have been lots of chnages in the area of harassment law in the last few years, so it is a good idea to make sure thatyour training is up to date. The cases that Gillian mentioned, Oncale, Faragher, and Ellerth, are the major Supreme Court decisions that you need to be aware of. The thing that your training must stress is that if a manager or supervisor is involved in the harassment, your company could be liable for the big bucks, but you are able to present an affirmative defense, unless the harassment was "quid pro quo". To help our subscribers tackle this area of the law I have just written an HR Special Report entitled : Harassment Trail Guide. It should be in subscribers hands very shortly. If you are not asubscriber, you can order this report through out customer service department, or on

    Good luck!

    Anne Williams
    Attorney Editor
    M. Lee SMith Publishers, LLC.
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