Drug Paraphernalia

We have a company condo which employees may use, free of charge. During a regular check, we found drug paraphernalia. We don't believe the last person to book the condo is responsible and we do not know if anyone has made keys. (We are in the process of changing locks and will get the kind where keys can't be duplicated.)

I think the issue is two-fold, an employee using drugs and doing so on company property creating a legal liability in the event something happens, now that we are aware that type of thing takes place.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I suggest you review your company's alcohol and substance abuse/use policy, and make sure it communicates the company's position, definition of "company property" and the consequences for violating the policy. I'd also have each employee who uses the condo sign an agreement stating that he/she understands that violation of the substance abuse policy while using the condo will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
  • You probably need to review all of the conditions and requirements under which the condo may be used. Remember, there is more than just drug and alcohol use on company property. What do you do about preventing "liaisons" between employees and superiors, gambling, etc? But, if you ban all the "good stuff" at the condo, what good is it? After all, isn't that why the company has the condo in the first place for its executive, managers and "worthy" employees?
  • check to make sure that your general liability insurance covers the condo...regards from texas,mike maslanka,214-659-4668
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