Accident at work

We are concerned with our employees hurting themselves on their lunch hour on our property. Ex: playing sports or running in the parking lot. Obviously, the best thing for us to do is prohibit any skateboarding, etc on our property. However, the main employee in question is a really valuable employee who we would like to keep happy. Any thoughts? Thanks.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-22-01 AT 05:52PM (CST)[/font][p]If you want to keep the employee happy, then keep the employee happy and pay the price. Either up his salary or issue other benes so he doesn't want to skateboard on company property (who cares if he skateboards off company property during his non-work time such as lunch) and you enforce the no game playing on company property rule; or let him and others skateboard and play games on company property and pay the price on that basis when they injure themselves.
  • Have all of them sign a release drafted by your company attorney releasing liability should they become injured on company property while participating in non-paid sports events. That's what our local school district does, and it works.

    Even if they're on unpaid time if they're injured on your property it could become a liability suit issue. Good luck --Kerry
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