Firefighter Physical Agility Tests

Our municipal fire department conducts physical agility tests as part of their recuitment process (climbing & carrying ladders, pulling hose, etc.). What, if any, are concerns in regard to female applicants? Should there be 2 separate tests, one for males and one for females (disparate impact issues)? Thanks for your help. Leah


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I work for a city in Illinois and we use a physical agility test for police officers and EMS personnel. Numerous other cities and counties use it also. It has four components (benchpress, sit ups, 1 mile run & I forgot the last one); is pass/fail and has different criteria depending on gender and age. It was challanged in court long some ago and upheld. It's called the POWER test. If you want a copy, send me an email & I'll send you what I have. Our Public Safety department administers it so I don't have all of the details.

  • The EEOC says disparate impact is when the pass rate for women is less than 80% of the pass rate for men. Then you'd have the burden of proving that the test was job related.

    There's a good article in the September 1999 issue of New York Employment Law Letter ("Fire department hosed for failing to show test was job-related"). If you're a member of our Law Center in your state, you can find it in the members area of If not, you can order a back copy from [email][/email]

    James Sokolowski
    Senior Editor
    M. Lee Smith Publishers
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