nightstand---what are you reading?



  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-20-02 AT 11:43AM (CST)[/font][p]I'm reading the same book, "Tuesdays with Morrie". My mom was diagnosed with ALS last November and my family is devouring ALS literature...just to get a feel of what to expect.
  • I always seem to be a couple of days late on responses, but this is a great topic to discuss. I learned a long time ago that business textbooks are great for the office, but there is a time to relax and one hour before bedtime is not the time to read business related material.Being 250 miles from the closest Barnes and Nobles, I tend to buy in quantity.
    This Christmas, Santa gave me those wonderful plastic cards called gift certificates at B&N and I managed to browse my way through the local store in Hillsboro,Oregon in only three hours. The fact that there was a Starbucks in place did not hurt. Well, to the subject, I found Chris Matthews(pre-Hardball) book on Kennedy and Nixon. Very interesting, shows that both these men entered congress at the same time and were surprisingly friendly to each other.Some good reading from Chris and he didn't have to yell once. Second book, definitely not business related was,"Lost Son by Bernard Kerik", former Police Commis of New York City. Good reading for a great getaway from life as many of us know it.Lastly,read "Bias" by Bernard Kalb. If you think you have stress, read about our icons of the fifth estate.
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