Online Harassment Training Program
Sarah Magee
2 Posts
Don't know if this will interest anyone here, but I've written an
online training program about harassment (all kinds, with
particular attention to sexual) for all employees (both
supervisory & non). The program is low tech so that it can be
delivered via a regular modem & it's designed to reside
permanently on the Internet. This means people can complete the
training from a variety of locations and get their certificate of
completion (with a record of completion also created for the
employer). Also, the program serves both for one-time training
and as a reference to consult any time to review definitions,
options for dealing with harassment, information on harassment
prevention, behavior rules, etc.
While I was writing this program, I believed I had an
understanding with a person who has a company which uses the same
model to deliver a sexual harassment training program. He
decided, however, that this program didn't fit his business plan.
I had expected that he was going to handle the whole "webmaster"
side of creating and delivering it as that is not something I
really want to have to learn or do. I'm now looking for anyone
who might be interested in collaborating in that role. . . or any
other ideas anyone might care to offer.
I've been a freelance editor/writer of EEO newsletters and
articles and have also written training programs for major
corporations, mostly product knowledge for financial products, as
well as a monograph on sexual harassment for corporate
executives, and a sales training product. This new harassment
program is the first I've ever written not on assignment for a
client so it's something of a "new world" for me.
Thanks for your feedback and comments!
Sarah Magee