School and Day Care Activity Time Off

It is my understanding that in CA the law states that if you are an employer of 25 or more you must allow an employee who is the parent or guardian of a child in kindergarden or grades 1 through 12, or attending a licensed day care facility, up to 40 hours off per calendar year for the purpose of participating in activities of the school or licensed day care facility. This time off may be paid or unpaid at the employers' discretion. The employee may be limited to no more than eight hours off for this purpose in any one calendar month of the year and may be required to use any accrued vacation, personal leave or compensatory time off (CTO) for this purpose. The employer may require documentation fromt he school or licensed day care facility as proof that the employee participated in the activity ona specific date and at a specific time.

Does any employer here in Arizona have a policy of this kind in place?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't know about Arizona but you are correct re. California regulations.
  • Grace-Currently School and Day Care Activity Time Off is mandated on a state by state basis. Former President Clinton tried to get the federal FMLA amended to include provisions of this type, but failed. This time is in addition to the time mandated for FMLA leaves, so in essence an employee who takes a full 12 weeks of Family Medical Leave could also take a week (40 hours) of School and Day Care activity time off and be absent 25% of the year, with no negative repercussions.
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