I am seeking information about upcoming "sensitivity training" seminars in New York. I need to send an executive who has been making ethnic slurs, etc.
Before you even look for a class to sensitize this individual someone should act immediately to inform this person about Title VII. Creating a hostile work environment for someone due to their race (assuming this is a minority) is against the law and could result in a big lawsuit. This person as a supervisor is acting on behalf of management and is setting you up for a lawsuit by using ethnic slurs on a regular basis. Not only that, this person may be held personally liable in a lawsuit. If they value their home and would like to keep it, then they had better cease with the ethnic slurs based on race immediately. No one needs to be sent to a course to get this straight! Creating a hostile situation by using ethnic slurs is a no-no and that should be made clear to all employees. The company should have a policy already established that prohibits this type of behavior.
Ethnic Slurs is out!!! A seminar probably won't help much in my opinion.This employee regardless of the level he works needs immediate advice from the Human Resource Office, or top level Executive. If you haven't had an employee complaint yet, the supervisor can count himself lucky, and the company needs to act immediately. The prior message about Title VII is very important. The supervisor needs to bone up, adhere to the law and the company is negligent as well if not acted on "like now" not later!. Good luck