Bereavement leave

Could anyone fill me in on how they handle bereavement leave? Our current bereavement policy is very vague. We have always allowed employees 3 bereavement days off for full time employees with pay for immediate family. Is there anything wrong with granting less than 3 days if the employee isn't directly involved in the funeral arrangements or doesn't need to travel for services? This is always a sticky situation and not a time to make a big deal about time off, but I would appreciate your input on ideas on my options to prevent questions or abuse when the leave is necessary. Thanks!!!!!
You may require only a partial day or a full day to attend the funeral; however your supervisor must pre-approve all paid bereavement time. If you require only a partial day, you will be paid, for the time you were scheduled to work but missed to attend the funeral. If it is absolutely necessary, such as for extended travel time your Supervisor can approve up to three days off with pay. If additional time off is needed, please work this out with your supervisor; however, the most that will be paid is three days. With your Supervisors’ approval, you may use available vacation time if additional time off is required.