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  • [quote user="6281518"]Exempt personnel should be docked in full-day increments, not hourly.[/quote]  There is a big difference between docking somone's salary and docking someone's leave bank.  You can't dock an exempt employee's salary for working…
  • [quote user="mountainfiest"] Also, true "comp time" is time that is deferred compensation.  In other words, you work, but don't get paid until later.  You are deferring your compensation to a later time.  It's helps the employer and the employee du…
  • As others have said, for exempt employees it's entirely up to the company.  Here we don't provide any additional compensation unless it is for a specific project that took an unusual amount of additional time.  The only other time we pay any additio…
  • I agree with KLeede.  You don't have to pay.  But if you don't other employees will definitely get wind and then they may not give notice.  Also, if the employee files for unemployment they will win. 
  • If the employer has a bonafide leave policy and the employee is out of leave, they may dock the employee's salary for any day in which no work was performed.  So if the employee took off one day and normally works five, you may pay the employee 4/5 …
  • I've been with UHC for 10+ years.  Their network is very good in many places, but if you have pockets of employees in remote locations the network may not be as good. UHC has been great until this past year or two.  All of a sudden our employees hav…
  • When is it on and what channel?
  • We looked into them but did not purchase.  The limited benefits wouldn't have been received well by our employee population. But I expect it would be a great plan for a company with high turnover and a more blue collar workforce.
  • I certainly wouldn't.  And why do you care?  Will you also ask if they will use doggie daycare?  If they have someone that can water their plants if they have to stay late? 
  • Only until 12/31/07.  After that it becomes illegal to do so - it was part of the John Warner Defense Act, signed by Bush Oct '06.  http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=109_cong_public_laws&docid=f:publ364.109.pdf  See Secti…
  • I took the SPHR and passed about 2 years ago.  It wasn't hard for me, but I have about 20 years experience. Having the letters after my name hasn't helped me directly, but indirectly I believe that people have been more "respectful" of my answers to…
  • We have a lot of remote employees - we use notaries.
  • I've checked a couple and we were too small (200 employees at a single location). 
  • Wow, that's a new low.  Amazing.  What a way to make a buck.
  • Before I did anything I'd find out what Sr. Mgmt wanted to see.  What do they value?  What is most important to them?  Some mgmt teams care more about legal fees, some about vacant positions, some about turnover, some about benefit costs, etc.  But…
  • We also use Prime +1% and have no plans to change it.
  • Our building management company brings in a medical company to do this.  They charge $25.  I'd estimate only about 20% of our staff get them.
  • Every single person in our company completes a timesheet.  Right up to the Pres/CEO.  Nearly every type of professional services firm I know does this - attorneys, engineers, etc.  As long as you pay the regular salary and only make legally allowed…
  • I agree with several of the others.  I use the hr.blr training materials and customize them to fit our company (add our company's SH policy, etc).  I've also added some "examples" that are interactive at the end, kind of along the lines of . . . "is…
  • OK, let me preface this by saying I'm not a payroll expert.  But we ALWAYS withhold based on the state work is performed in.  If they "reside" in another state then they can file for a refund at the end of the year.  Now, I don't know about KY, but …
  • One other concern, if you have any federal contracts you could find yourself in a precarious position as it's a requirement to file the EEO report to keep your contract(s).
    in EEO-1 Comment by dhall111 September 2007
  • Why in the world would you not allow a non-smoker to take the same amount of break time as a smoker????  That seems so counterintuitive to me.  A break, is a break, is a break.  Why should the company care whether you smoke or not, give everyone the…
  • Depends on the state too.  While there is no federal requirement for insured benefits to be provided to anyone, many states have laws that do require it.  (MA, HI, and NC are three that come to mind, all with varying types of requirements).  Also, y…
  • This is hard because I don't know anyone on TV even remotely like my boss.  She's probably one of the smartest people I know (she's the CFO).  And she's also amazingly funny and quick witted.  I really can't think of anyone out there like her. 
  • Let me play devil's advocate.  (and I'll preface this by saying I did read the article but I can't recall many of the details) Are Sting's employees covered by FMLA?  Does he employ enough people to be a covered employee?  I'm going to guess no, bu…
  • What is the benefit to either the company or the employee of keeping this person on the payroll on a leave status if you don't offer him benefits?   Also, most insured benefit policies have a clause in them that states in order to be eligible for b…
  • Your company policy will dictate how it runs in your company.  It is normally suggested to have a policy that allows you to run them concurrently.  Remember that FMLA is simply job and benefit protection.  You can't fire someone while on FMLA for be…
  • I agree with everyone else. Unfortunately, I've had to handle more than a few of these type complaints. I would NEVER use a tape recorder. If you do, you'll be lucky if they say anything other than, "I don't remember," "I don't recall," "I wasn't re…
  • Yes you can (unless you have a state reg that states otherwise - I know CA has a few odd exempt pay rules).  DoL doesn't care what pot of money the employee is paid out of, just that they're paid.
  • We pick a charity every year and announce it at the start.  Though I wouldn't be opposed to letting the winner choose.  That sounds like an even better option, let's the winner really have a "prize" in that they get to choose.  Our donations in the…