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  • I have a lavender teddy bear that my assistant gave me last year for my birthday. The walls of my office are a very pale lavender and it matches! Now before anyone makes a comment about the color, it was painted before I started here, but I have had…
  • Thanks Leslie! I'll pass that on because I am sure we have one or two very large celebrations coming up later this summer. We are crossing our fingers that they can be home at the same time before reporting back to their posts.
  • Thanks, I will. And this weekend brought great news! One of them flew back to Germany and will be back in the states around the first week of August! The other one was on R&R in Kuwait and waiting on orders to either go back into Iraq or come ho…
  • Thanks for sharing that. I have tears in my eyes as both my sons are in Kuwait/Iraq at this time. I am so proud of them I could bust!!! May we never forget the price that was paid and the price our soldiers are willing to pay. Thank you! Barbara
  • I am so lost. What are you talking about Don? Are those acutal lines in a song?
  • Hope you enjoy my city this weekend! We had a couple of days of rain recently and things are looking nice and green. Barbara
  • Try having papers in your hand every time you walk out of the office and appear to be deeply in engrossed in reviewing them as you walk right by and ignore him!
  • I went to a seminar in February on HIPAA with a fabulous presenter. One of the things she shared was one of the originating reasons for HIPAA - which has been in the pipeline for a long time by the way. Banks, insurance and investment companies owne…
    in The HIPAA Beast Comment by blw May 2003
  • I passed!!! Thanks for your prayers and good wishes.
    in PHR Exam Comment by blw June 2003
  • I will be praying for both of them!
    in The War Comment by blw July 2003
  • They're HOME!!!!!!!!! My stepson came into town on Friday and was at our house yesterday. We were sitting in the cul-de-sac visiting with him and neighbors, and a car pulls up and out steps my son! I screamed, I cried and I didn't let go of him for…
    in The War Comment by blw July 2003
  • I have heard of one organization that has posted pictures of the involved staff, family members and close friends on a bulletin board. I think that is a great idea and a way to show support for staff. Thanks for all the kind words and know that I am…
    in The War Comment by blw March 2003
  • Thanks to all of you. We can all be praying for our troops and supporting those in our workplaces at this time. Barbara
    in The War Comment by blw March 2003
  • I'm with April. I love to read them all and get good info, but feel too unsure to post much information. That is slowly changing however as I am currently studying for my PHR on May 3rd. Wisdom comes slowly sometimes! Sure do enjoy the forum though!…
  • I'm late reading this but have one comment. Something to consider when going to a flat department budget. It can work well in large departments but hurt small departments. If you have two stellar employees in a department, both can only get the aver…
  • You could also go the percentage route as mentioned above. Figure approximately what percentage of salary equals the amount of bonus they usually receive. For example classroom teachers would earn .1 percent of their gross annual wages (or a higher …
  • We do charge for DD. We are a non-profit with a high turnover in our after school kare staff. We allow admin staff to set up DD after completing their 90 day intro period and childcare staff after 1 year. Bear in mind, average employment is only 9-1…
  • You don't mention how long the class is per night or how many nights/weeks. If significant, you can always offer exempt a day off in exchange for the class time. We would do that for our exempt staff if it was more than a few hours. Yes, I know we a…
  • We have also begun pre-taxing the medical deduction if the employee elected it and I know they were told by the Colonial rep signing them up for the 125 plan that it couldn't be changed unless due to a change in situation. I guess what confused me…
  • In Texas, something like that would probably be covered only if the employees job put them at greater risk than the average person. So if someone who normally works inside happened to walk outside to give someone a message, etc. it wouldn't be comp…
    in Wasp Stings? Comment by blw April 2004
  • What about sitting on the bench while they wipe the table. They would still have to lean a little, but not much.
  • While the grandmother might not qualify under FMLA, the childcare would. There have been cases where a parent took time off to care for children the other hospitalized parent otherwise would have been caring for. It was ruled eligible.
  • Why don't you indicate the employee is on LOA and not mention FMLA on the PAF. The FMLA paperwork in the medical file would always be available if necessary. That is what we do. Tks, Barbara
  • I always put "Unknown"
  • Address the number of calls if everyone is held to the same standard and address the volume level of her voice if it is distracting to co-workers. Do not address the Spanish speaking. She has the legal and moral right to conduct her personal convers…
  • I'm with Hunter. I do them over the phone all the time, but not salary info. Dates and position only. It is much quicker for me and I don't see any harm in releasing that info.
  • I agree with Don that you need to define Zero Tolerance. Suspension, final warning and referral to the EAP was not tolerance - it was warranted discipline.
    in Racial Epithet Comment by blw June 2004
  • We are non-profit and have regular volunteers and have had two "interns" since I've been here. I have given them both employee handbooks and asked them to abide by our policies regarding EEOC, dress codes, code of conduct, etc. I also have had them …
  • An FYI - those are the limits from June 1 to Labor Day. During the school year, the limits are 3 hours per school day up to 18 hours per week. Also, if the business is owned by the parent and it isn't mining, mfg, or a hazardous occupation, there a…
  • Outside of the 8 hours holiday pay, they are already getting double time for 12 of the 48 hours worked. Why would you give them another 8 hours at time and a half? They are being paid overtime for more than required by FLSA.