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  • Employees have the right to talk with each othe about the terms and conditions of their can't stop them from doing that.  You can talk to your employees about certain things though, like why they feel they need a union and why you t…
  • I think it's only a matter of time until Imus is back on the radio or tv. There's a market for stuff like this. I was watching a show this past weekend where the panel was talking about how our society has come to tolerate and actually support a cul…
    in Imus Comment by blakefan April 2007
  • I get all my information on posters required by my state and federal law from BLR, too. I find that the information is up-to-date and relable. FYI, the posters themselvers are often free and available online from the U.S. Department of Labor and you…
  • Yes, I believe that is correct. As long as it's not on work time, they can do this.
  • Employers definitely walk a tightrope dealing with these types of situations. The first thing to remember is that you are covered by the National Labor Relations Act even though your company is not yet unionized. Under that law, employees have the r…
  • I think that this is definitely something you can do yourself. In our exit interviews, we usually ask departing employees why exactly they are leaving, whether they think they were paid fairly, if they had enough resources and time to do their job e…
  • Hey GoPats...looks like you got your wish!
  • American Idol for some people is like the Super Bowl or the NCAA know it's going to be a topic of conversation and a bit distracting. I would let short coversations go, but if it's starting to eat away at productivity, it should be …
  • FYI, some courts are starting to recognize "bullying" cases as a real legal claim. In EEOC v. National Education Association, the Ninth Circuit said that a bully's behavior may be sexual harassment if the treatment of women differed from the treatme…
  • I'd be concerned about the signs don't want anything that negatively portrays veterans, for instance. That could be discriminatory, and lead to even more complaints. If this "debate" is getting out of hand and becoming a distraction, I wou…
  • well, looks like the republcans blocked the bill from coming to a vote...we're safe for now!
  • so it seems as if this bill is plugging along...i read in the news today that the senate is expected to vote on the bill this week. what can we as employers do to stop the senate from passing it? will the white house veto it??
  • I have read so many articles lately about how US employees aren't taking enough (or any) time off because they think that time off is looked down upon. I think it's the role of managers to tell their employees that they should not feel guilty about …
  • The National Labor Relations Act gives employees the right to join or not join a union. The NLRA covers most employers, but some states also have their own "right-to-work" laws that prohibit compulsory union membership. Hope this helps!
  • I would also look at your state pregnancy/sex discrimination statute. For instance, Connecticut has an accommodation provision written right into their pregnancy discrimination statute.
  • You should also think about whether a tattoo or piercing may ne some expression of a religious belief....and if it is, you may want to think about whether or not you can accommodate that belief. Dress codes that discriminate against a certain religi…