Steve McElfresh


Steve McElfresh
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  • Don, With all due respect (which is a great deal), your question is rather upside down. You suggest asking if we know of someone who did not pursue applying becasue of what was not said in the ad. Uh, right. The question that can be answered i…
  • The EEO language is indeed not likely to be of much value in reducing discrimination liabiity. IMHO. It is, however, of more value in your response to an OFCCP desk (or other) audit about your good faith efforts. More precisely, its absence is l…
  • Some of our clients (with encouragement . . .) have concluded that EEO is better presented as an aspect of what makes them an attractive employer to the best applicants, rather an just an obligation. As a result, ad statements tend to be more expr…
  • Gillian is quite right. Many of these items are effectively pre-employement disability queries, patentedly not allowed by ADA and raising significant risk of employment discrimination claims. You would be safer mountain climbing in a lightning stor…
  • Caroliso, You asked about the effectiveness, costs and keeping reasonable time limits on a coaching program. I am too conflicted, perhaps, to address the first (I do executive coaching). Costs will vary widely, from perhaps $60/hour to over $400/…
  • HR Sup: Having looked at this issue closely, I can tell you that the 1/100 ratio is simultaneously right and wrong. It is "right" in the sense that when you average across a great many industries, the ratio often is in that range (generally a littl…
  • All: For a different slant on the issue of cell phone liability, and more relevance to this group, note the article in today's USAToday: [url][/url] As you will see, firms are being held …
  • Cindy, Not knowing anything about the case, I suggest the answer may be simple: 1. The father and son have little/no money, nor insurance. 2. The rental company does. Now, how could a creative lawyer conjure up the appearance of a valid claim a…
  • Sandy, Do you mean openly record with permission, or doing secretly?? If the former, I don't imagine there would be any problem. But you should definitely check with counsel to be sure, and to see what precautions might be necessary (e.g., I woul…
  • Stacey, You have been given some great advice directly responsive to your question and helpful for your imminent meeting. I raise a tangential point that might be of some use in the future. You note that "I am meeting with an employee on Monday t…
  • Folks, Re: the question about whether it can be taken with FMLA (and more) . . . Actually, the law says that the leave must be taking concurrently with FMLA, as well as with the CA near-equivalent, the CA Family Rights Act. However, and just to…
  • My favorites are the folks who call, generally opening by congratulating the company on our substantial commitment to EEO, identify themselves as being from the "National Hispanic/Black/Women's Proessional Weekly" or such, and then announce either t…
  • TD: I noticed a U of Ill. report from 1995 that stated: "With regard to public smoking, the Illinois Clean Indoor Air Act of 1989 (40 ILCS 80/1 ff) prohibits smoking in public places (enclosed indoor areas used by the public or as places of work, …
  • Anne (and everyone else): I would be very interested in a question for companies that outsource reference, criminal, DMV and credit checks. How are they implementing Fair Credit and Reporting Act requirements to disclose specific information about…
  • You can find out more about the case at the likes of: [url][/url] [url][/url] What I find interesting is how *small* the settlement is. …
  • Don, While I envy your fried oysters, I don't quite follow the buckboard & patent medicine. Nonetheless, I accept that your experience with 360s is singularly negative. I also accept your position that neither the contrary experiences of othe…
  • Don, oh Don: 360s can be done well and can be useful, even if they generally aren't. Don't go the way of the prohibitionists! Just because good beer is commonly misused does not mean it should not be drunk at all. Must be Friday . . . Warmly, …
  • Carol, You have touched on some rather important issues, so I will go on a bit. I apologize in advance for the length -- though this is really not nearly enough. Feel free to call if you want to talk about any of this more. First, I am guessin…
  • Sunny, Experience among my clients, and what I remember of the research, is in line with the comments above -- i.e., the 4/10 schedule is often well-received and provides improved efficiencies. HOWEVER, note that in some states (at least here in C…
  • Don, As usual, you raise good questions. My thoughts, for what they are worth, follow. I would want to be certain that you and your attorney feel confident that the agreements (one with the applicants and another with the clinic) allow for the …
  • Friends, 1. Anyone who requires pre-employemnt physicals needs to have an independent medical examiner who gives you the "pass-fail" for your applicants, and insulates you from any information beyond that which you absolutely need -- for instance,…
  • 1. How long: In HR for 20 years (15 in-house, 5 consulting) 2. How many companies: Worked in-house in 4 companies, not including a couple of years running the Saratoga Institute, and now my own consulting firm. 3. How got into the field: After a t…
  • I didn't hear a debate on whether personality might be important, and I am sure most would readily agree. The research literature does, generally. The question is whether what are called personality tests measure what they purport to measure, when…
  • Actually, Paul, I quite agree with you, and appreciate your pushing my thinking on this. The legal snafus are only the visible tip of the iceberg and not the reason to be cautious in this arena. More important is the fact, people use them when the…
  • You are halfway there in getting the President to back off on using personality tests for hiring. However, when you say s/he would like them used in "making decisions regarding an employee's appropriateness for different types of positions", you ar…
  • Friends, I fear this question is a bit more complicated than taking recommendations for tests. The liability associated with personality tests (discrimination and privacy, in particular) are potentially significant -- to say nothing of the simple …
  • Folks, I could not find the case citation for the Allstate/reference issue either. According the to sources below, what went to trial was whether Allstate could be liable to the families of the deceased for the misleading reference given, and appa…