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  • Underpaid? I don't see the vast majority of government workewrs as underpaid. Now, you can argue, perhaps, that cabinet members and that echelon are underpaid by market standard, but the congress, their aides, staffs and the hordes of civil service …
  • Careful about the 'true' picture. A picture maybe, definately a humerous picture. A fairly realistic picture even,at least of some segment of the upper population, but my wife would never admit it to be a 'true' picture. Nevertheless we are going to…
  • The original post was meant to be sarcasm, not necessarily judgemental - well, maybe a little. And I admit to having been a bit skeptical when she got the guy to turn himself in, after having several opportunities to get away from him, and not takin…
  • Did you mean tsetsefly? Not that I really care - either way....
  • That is interesting to hear. Up here, all I have been hearing is what a sleazy political dirtbag he is, and none of the several persons he has attempted to prosecudte were ever found guilty. Admittedly, the only local radio is probably more conserv…
  • You are so often right on the money. We have an offer on our house, and are starting to pack everything up. We have been good about throwing out stuff..but when it comes to anything having to do with our baby (now 25) we cannot bear to part with any…
  • Aw..shucks.
  • Look at it this way big guy: she's going out with her man, and she wants to look good for you - and to you. She wants you to be proud to be seen with her. She wants you to look around at all the other chicks, and be glad she's the one going home wit…
  • What's wrong with just telling the charity - or whoever is putting the shindig on - that there must be some mistake because you are not buying a table but will be happy to buy a ticket. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that the colleague put you do…
  • I have concluded that 'watching news on CNN is an oxymoron.' That outfit can sensationalize a sandbox argument between two three year olds into the next global crisis. The other day I watched Wolfman try his damndest, for the better part of an hour,…
  • Leave in Sept and see how serious they are about collecting Oct rent. Under the circumstances, I'd bet a Judge would be sympathetic. It's not like they gave you a ton of notice. Give them notice immediately, and mayb e at worst, you're liable for 7 …
  • We just approved dove hunting in MI. Maybe chicken hunting in Ms will be the next craze.
  • Still nothing from Dianec as well, I think she was in McComb Ms. Know anything about McComb Don?
  • God lov ya Don, still that great sense of self deprecating humor! My wife, about whom I am occasionally surprised knows anything about sports except tennis (she was a coach) quipped last night when someone suggested we take some of the unfortunates …
  • Information is always helpful. We probably all have mixed emotions about what is going on, but clearly the human suffering is what needs to be addressed in the short term. I am just so sick of the media already pointing fingers and incessantly focu…
  • I was just reviewing another thread and realized Diane (dianec) had not posted since the storm, and she lives pretty damn close to New Oleans. Anyone heard from her privately?
  • I too was struck by the pictures I saw over the lunch hour. Last week Don was grillin sausages for two shifts, now.... And it doesn't look like things will improve in the short term for so many of those poor folks.
    in Katrina Comment by Shadowfax August 2005
  • Let me add one. My next door neighbor was having some work done on his house, and he came home one day to check on the progress of the electrical work, and caught his wife in bed with the electrician. Of course, he cold-cocked the electrician (I kn…
  • Thanks for the story. Please add my thanks and condolences to his wife and family. And thank your son as well.
  • Well, that's what I used to think too...and everyone keeps telling you how they can't get along w/.o you...till you go, as I did, and as Don said, ' goes's just different...'(paraphrased Don quoting Twain). When you become SSE (social…
  • Hi everyone! I just posted an update elsewhewre. Thanks for thinking of me Don. HRLASS, speaking of Gandalf... can you believe what she did to Dumbledore? Gandalf came back..I don't think Dumbledore will. I confess I am not really glad to be back at…
  • The difference between alcohol and pot is an argument that can't be won , but I am amazed ath the number of otherwise rational people who fail to see the twisted logic of no hangover etc. I grew up with an alcoholic, and hated every minute of it. I…
  • I did send 'em to Cheryl - and all we ever saw were three pairs of shoes up on the desk! She said the coup de tate pix was in the winter time and she was wearing her heavy weight hug me tights. Should be warm enough in NH sometime in the next two mo…
    in calender Comment by Shadowfax June 2005
  • She must have a lawyer! They only way they can get all of those billable hours, they have to bill while on the phone - wherever - and while sleeping too!
  • I just saw a report over the weekend that said the teachers in, I believe, Colorado, were spending so much time with the non or poorly versed english speakers in their classes, that the other kids were being short changed.
  • And that is exactly the problem: no one is responsible for their own well being anymore - have someone else teach me, feed me, make sure I'm safe, etc. And translation can be a bid deal, it depends on the translator - and the problem is that those w…
  • You are absolutely right Marc, this whole area is an outrage. It is just the latest demonstration that government will do whatever it wants to do until the people force them to stop. As you said, it is difficult enough to interpret the english vers…
  • Beags - please factor in the inner city kid with an absent father, a crack head mother, crime, and death all around, his reality is far, far removed from most of the rest of us, and far more 'real' than the 'pressure' faced by the child star. By wha…
  • Those are not necessarily 'mutually exclusive' titles ya know - which come to think of it would probably make you the perfect cruise dictatress - and it may be curiously comforting to have someone on board who has coup experience!
  • Not long after a lightning quick coup which resulted in taking over Town Hall, the new Town dictatress scraps the Town budget and goes on a whirl wind tour of the finest eateries and visiting distinguished heads of states in the part of the country …