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  • I, too, was very surprised that Myers wore an American flag shirt, and would have thought he would know better. I'm even MORE surprised that an issue has not been made of it by the media yet... However, having said that, I do really like my Americ…
  • My eyesight is already 20/400, so for me the difference between blindness and sight is negligible... ...not that I would ever use such a drug, of course... x;-)
  • Such kids are not always lost causes. I used to dread visiting my brother and his family because my niece and nephew were ill-mannered, rude, combative, and downright obnoxious (my brother and his wife do not believe in corporal punishment). I cou…
  • One of the benefits of single life - no one ever hogs my blankets at night, I can scratch wherever it itches and belch the alphabet if I choose. x;-)
  • ...will Jenny come out of the coma that was artifically induced in order to save her life by Dr. Peterson, who is having an affair with Jenny's ex-husband, who is really her second cousin twice-removed... and gay? Stay tuned for answers to these qu…
  • Why does it not surprise me, Ray, that you would be the first to point out my faux pas? Okay, okay... not formula one - Indy cars... It could be slot car racing for all I care, as long as Danica Patrick's driving one. x;-)
  • Speaking of formula one racing, is anyone else besides me hoping that Danica Patrick wins Indy next weekend? Hoo, boy I could sure stand to see a lot more press on that young lady! x;-)
  • I fully expect Don will reincarnate as another entity somewhere, sometime here on the Forum. The only question is when. x:-) Pretty darn quiet without him around, I will say that.
  • Polishing job! I'm surprised Christie isn't dizzy from the spin she put on that story... she could have made Richard Nixon look good. x;-)
  • Dasher, I didn't see any reference to race in the comment to which you are responding. Unmotivated workers come in all sizes, shapes and colors.
  • To piggyback on vphr's observations, one of my own: In my company over the last four or five years, I have found significantly less turnover among hispanic employees than non-hispanic employees in the same job (i.e., housekeeping). The reasons mos…
  • Hi, Judy. Please hold a moment. I'll be right back. x;-)
  • He "axed" (asked) me. "Conversate." (no such word). I hate those.
  • Sorry. Need-to-know basis only. x;-)
  • Interesting. So many more "I"s than "E"s...
  • ISTJ, here. But I'm disappointed. I thought this test was going to tell me what cantankerous old curmudgeon I am. Well, maybe it did and I just missed it. x;-)
  • Don's idea of a proper balance would leave us all listing hard to starboard, Gillian.
  • "...northerners by the millions consider the Deep South a destination," Yeah... a destination to which this Northerner is dragged kicking and screaming three or four times a year! Still, it's better than North Dakota in January.
  • I agree with all the other posters. Nothing would be more humiliating for a guy than to trick him like this. And, if he's a good friend already, my advice is to leave it alone. Nothing screws up a perfect friendship more than getting involved!!!
    in Dating Comment by Parabeaglex2 May 2005
  • Don't mince words, Judy. Tell us what you really think. x;-)
    in Dating Comment by Parabeaglex2 May 2005
  • Can someone please reassure me that our Secret Service, whom is charged with protecting the leader of our great nation, had better defenses in place than shotguns to protect against the possibility of a friggin aircraft attacking the White House....…
  • Methinks thou doth protest too much.
  • "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!"
  • Why, ritaanz! You sound a little breathless and discombobulated by the prospect of Marc giving away silk ropes! What are you thinking?! What's up between you and Don, anyway? x;-)
  • This is Don we're talkin' about. This man would gripe if he were hung with a new rope! x;-)
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-27-05 AT 01:14PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Let's get the ball rolling, shall we? Hillary for President! Impeach Bush! Out of Iraq now! He** no, we won't go! Ho Chi Minh will win! (oops! wrong war) Cap…
  • Not if you're a Cockney x;-)
  • I am pure vanilla, Ritaanz. I have said nothing controversial, merely outlined a process through which OTHER, more controversial and provocative Forumaniacs can goad and coax Don into hitting 10,000.
  • You guys are missing an opportunity here. Don can be manipulated into getting to 10,000 whenever we want. All we have to do is systematically post controversial, preferably left-wing (or at least Democratic) opinions (think Jane Fonda for Presiden…
  • It's not drugs, Sam. It's the Birkenstocks - they're pinching his feet and cutting off the blood supply to his brain. He's having one of those oxygen-starved, hallucinogenic episodes. You can tell! He's actually thinking AF pilot's jackets are b…