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  • #-o Guess that would solve the problem, wouldn't it?
  • Doesn't ANYBODY out there know a recipe for potato salad that doesn't include eggs?!!Everything else sounds great, but I've never tasted potato salad because that dang dish contains EGGS!!!!!
  • AF aircrew members have a bright orange knife in their survival vests. Mean-looking switchblade (it would be mean-looking if it wasn't orange, that is) for cutting tangled 'chute lines, etc.
  • Nope. They included P-38s as well and I still have one or two lying around (like you, I have no idea why). In the c-rats we got they also included a small "churchkey" hole-poking can opener with a bottle opener on the other end.
  • I must either be a purist or boring as hell. For me the perfect sundae is two scoops vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup and crushed walnuts. None of that other foo-foo stuff. x;-)
    in Sundaes Comment by Parabeagle June 2005
  • If they forget the bread, don't complain about it! Happy Christmas everybody! x:-)
  • Trivia: I think it's crab bisque that George tries to order from the Soup Nazi when the SN utters the famous phrase, "No soup for you! 1 year!"
  • Sounds great... but what makes it so special vs. regular butter? Makes me curious enough to want to order some. Do they ship all over the US?
  • Baking, cooking, you say tomato, I say tomahto. It all involves heating up the thingie with the burners on top and the big hot box underneath. x;-)
  • I'm making cookies, too... sort of... I assume the kind you slice and bake counts as cooking, doesn't it? x;-)
  • "For all you other Hungarians out there who grew up with the Paprika right along side the salt and pepper..." I always wondered... my mom used to sprinkle paprika on top of mashed potatoes before serving them. Never saw her use it for anything els…
  • Glad you clarified. From the way it was spelled, I thought it was a Welsh dish. x;-)
  • Oh, I'm sure I will love it. I may even try it if I'm feeling creative some time. I usually have to have a little motivation, though, to make anything that isn't microwaveable or that can't be eaten over the sink. x:-)
  • Used to love my dad's potato pancakes. He made them from a mix, but I loved them anyway. x;-) BTW, Scorpio, did you know you spell potato just like Dan Quayle? x:-)
  • I do not care for zucchini in any way, shape or form (except batter-fried) but I think I could eat it prepared this way - sounds wonderful. Gives me new ideas about what to do with all the zucchini that mysteriously appears on my doorstep every yea…
  • I noticed how delicately you worded your post, Leslie. Afraid there are Revenooers watchin' this'ere thread? x;-)
  • Hey, Scorpy. It's me, Beags. You can call me anything you want - everyone else does, and regularly. x:-) Off to 'Bama. I'm sure everyone will miss me. x;-)
  • Wish I WAS going on vacation, Scorpio. Unfortunately, all I have to look forward to is Alabama next week. I think a root canal would be preferable. x;-)
  • Oh, man. I knew there was a catch. I have to cut off my own crusts! And your Nona's gravy has meat in it. Can it be prepared without and still taste decent?
  • Geez, Scorpio this sounds as good as the zucchini recipe earlier. Vegetarians of the world thank you for your contributions. x:-) But... just where do you buy crustless French bread? And do your Nona's object to Prego? x;-)
  • Bread it and deep fry it like they do at The Catfish House in Biloxi, MS. Yum! Serve with ranch dressing just as you would deep fried zucchini. x:9
  • Gee, I feel like I should jump in here with my recipe for tofu dogs! x;-)
  • How did this thread go from bacon to spam? And, more importantly, where is the Monty Python troupe to break out into song? "Spam, spam, spam, spam..."
  • Wonder if it's true that the name came from the acronym they used for it when they were developing it? Spam = Specially Processed Animal Matter. "I'm pink, therefore I'm Spam." x;-)
  • I ain't EVEN going to say anything about the second paragraph of this post, except that I snorted out loud when I read it and the person in the office next to me thought I was choking!
  • Thanks for the clarification, Safety. I'd hate to think it referred to a particular bodily function. x;-)
  • Nah. Hate mushrooms. They're not even a vegetable, they're a fungus for cryin' out loud.
  • I prefer B&M Baked Beans (wonder what B&M stands for?). I like to toss in some ketchup, onion powder, French's yellow mustard, a little garlic powder - makes them more tangy and less sweet. x:-)
  • Safety, will you please just put HRinNH out of her misery and tell her what calf fries aka rocky mountain oysters REALLY are? The, uh, operative reproductive organs of a male calf????
  • How come there's no emoticon for gagging or hurling? It would come in right handy, here! x;-)