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  • Evidently all those Northern Europeans who liked to have a good time stayed in Wisconsin. The ones that came to Minnesota thought life was hard, and you got what you worked for. A truly dour bunch. Lake Woebegone is not just a story. Of course, th…
  • Just a curious question about candidates. I had a department manager call me to tell me about an interview she's conducted with a patient care candidate. Evidently the candidate reeked of cigarette smoke. She wanted to know if she could tell her …
  • Those are excellent x:7 I have two that always make me smile one from a gentleman who had worked in marketing for a company that manufactures feminine hygiene supplies. he had "Led the Global Panty Liner Team" (who knew there was one?) one on …
  • Accepted job here Stressed unrest turmoil and tears Our ways are too hard
  • HR Directors Recovery room is On PC today
  • Thanks for the input. Its great to have access to such great resources.x:-) Regards, Lisa
  • Thanks for the response Anne. I'm starting to think I'm reading too much into it. I posted the question on 2 BBs and have not received a single response.:-?
  • Thanks for the tips! This one may be tougher than the Dress Code Policy....
  • I wondered why the Employment Law topic was so mild lately. All the action is over here. I agree completely with your decision to deny the leave based on the idea he needs to be home to care for the children rather than care for his wife. I think…
  • Third base coaches with twitches remined me of an event that could be about actions and perceptions. It's from my years as a stay at home mom. My son was 10 years old and we were watching Kirby Puckett step up to the plate in the World Series. K…
  • I'm going to use this scenario as I make my case for not hiring any more family members of our employees/medical staff/board members etc. Geez, I get so tired of this kind of stuff xx(. What a sinkhole for time and energy with no chance for anythi…
  • I think institutions and organizations have zero tolerance policies because they like the way it sounds. In reality, circumstances are rarely cut dried. My point is that we place people in positions of authority partly b/c they have proven their ab…
  • [url][/url] This should get everybody the info they need. It is a link to the Handbook for Employers on the INS website or Homeland Security or whatever they call it now. It addresses reverification on p…
    in I-9 Comment by LisaMN June 2004
  • We act more as consultants in the complaint resolution process both for managers and employees. We do train our managers on HR issues but in addition we will individually coach employees or managers on non-confrontational methods of communication i…
    in Duties Comment by LisaMN June 2004
  • SOunds like you need a Chief Operating Officer
  • For months you've been investing heavily in this great new recruit. Training, seminars, certification exams. aha! you find out he's planning to leave after his child is born (even though at this point it is a theoretical child). Hmmmm, suddenly t…
  • Thanks marc, its good to know that my thought processes aren't too far out there.
  • I believe Elvis was found dead in his bathroom with his pants around his ankles. I thought he might have seen the light at that moment.....
  • I've been following along on this thread but just haven't been able to frame a coherent response to any of it. But, the part about the being able to see the light anywhere brought the bible story about Saul on the road to Damascus to mind, which of…
  • no marc, I think in your case the cause is related to your gender x;-)
  • Ritaanz, I don't think the pouting and petulance would stop in any case. x:D It would appear some sort of cyclical problem on this BB, I'm going to start correlating the stridency of the responses with the phases of the moon.....It will be full ton…
  • I am amazed that so many people are giving this issue so much serious attention. Have you all gone mad? This should have been a 5 minute (at most) conversation. "Joe, you've been observed undoing your pants in the caferteria after lunch. Why are…
  • I'm with Don on this one. Why call it anything at all? If you have a good employment process with appropriate interviewing, background checks and whatever testing is needed; why would you need a 90 day force field to protect your organization from…
  • I've always wondered how people with extreme sensitivities to scented products manage to live their lives outside of the workplace. Do they have an attendant that travels everywhere with them everywhere misting the air with more pleasing smells or …
  • Having a few gaps in my work history I'm curious why so much emphasis is placed on that aspect of employment. Is it a way to disqualify someone? Is the assumption if you have a gap you were fired from the last employment? Is it to see if you ap…
  • In MN you can not require direct deposit. But you can require the ee to waive it in writing.
  • Wouldn't that require another HR har har de har section x:D ?
  • In my experience, when individuals do not want to post their positions internally, it generally means that they have already selected someone for the position. We frequently post internally and advertise externally at the same time. It's a comprom…
  • No, but by telling the candidates that the test is the deciding factor you left yourself open to the question. I'm always as non-specific as possible when delivering the news. Its hard to argue with someone else matching more closely the qualifica…
  • So she wasn't really ill but had a procedure, if you don't know what what the procedure was (and you shouldn't necessarily unless she chose to share that with you) how do you know it wasn't appropriate for her to be shopping? I'd leave this one alo…