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  • I would make sure that going forward all personnel files are kept in one location under lock and key (ours are in my office which is locked if I am not in it) We also keep a separate file with medical and private info in it that the supervisors nev…
  • I have gone to a few HIPAA seminars (we do medical accts receivables so have been working on HIPAA from that standpoint for quite awhile, but not so much from the employee PHI standpoint). From the ones I have attended for our group plan, whether o…
  • Send the employee her forms stating the timeframe that she has in which to return them and that you are placing her on FMLA pending receipt of the forms. She MUST return the forms timely. I am bothered by the person who told her she could not use …
  • Absolutely start documenting. You are not bound to accepting poor performance because someone has high blood pressure. She has to be able to complete all the functions of the job and not holding her accountable to standards would not be a reasonab…
  • I wouldn't worry over the paper, personal stuff, etc (don't sweat the small stuff). We don't allow people to eat full meals at their desk, however, the vast majority of our employees are on the phone all day and it is difficult to talk if their mou…
  • The primary reason for having someone read and sign a job description when interviewed is for them to agree that they can physically perform the essential functions of the job without a reasonable accomodation or if an accomodation is needed, they n…
  • > >I am the Human Resources Coordinator for a Home Health Agency. We >have to comply with HIPAA and have our policies, forms and privacy >notice in place. I would most certainly be willing to share what I >have if you would b…
  • Also, what does your handbook say? If you have a policy in place stating that employees will be given a 30 minute (for example) unpaid break for every 6.5 hours worked and then they were not allowed to take it, they can very well state that they we…
  • I know by now it will take you until next week and you will probably need a new fax machine, BUT....can I have one, too? Fax # 423-899-8573 Thanks!!
    in HIPAA Comment by HRPeg March 2003
  • I agree...I have never heard of a religion that required both Saturday and Sundays off. What religion is it? They must also be firm observers of all the religious practices of the faith, not just the ones that they prefer to follow. I read a case…
  • I would agree with the thinking of going at it from a job elimination standpoint as long as you do not anticipate bringing in someone else to do what he did previously. Just make sure the tasks that were distributed out stay that way.
    in Need Advise Comment by HRPeg March 2003
  • It is unfortunate for this person that he has been misclassified all these years. If he had correctly been an employee, he probably would have been covered by the ADA. How is this person in danger in your work environment? It does not sound like …
    in Need Advise Comment by HRPeg March 2003
  • ERISA laws prevail here which require a qualifying event. Insurance cannot changed just because someone wants to for financial or other reasons. There must be a qualifying event. We just paid a consultant who specializes in ERISA to review all of…
  • Just a further piece of advice: If you haven't already done so, set up a folder for each employee that you keep all of their medical and other private info in. This way, those "dark age" managers can't get their hands on it at review time.
  • >I'm still wanting to know if Republicans are supposed to be stealing >lunch money or coming up with the term "human resources." >Also, I thought the whole "freedom" thing was a little over the top. >So do I "freedom" kiss my hone…
  • As far as tardies are concerned, you really need to have a policy and stick to it. As for chatter, this is going to happen. I think that the more visible a supervisor is, the more the chatter decreases. If the supervisor is in an office, they nee…
  • First, does your company meet the FMLA guidelines: 50 employees, etc? If so, you may want to rewrite your FMLA policy so that PTO runs concurrently with FMLA leave. Of course, this does not help you now. Do you have a position that this ee can be …
  • Being from Tennesse myself, I will tell you that the response from the post in Texas is correct. You have 24 hrs to provide the leaving employee a separation notice. I would be glad to fax you a copy of the form if you will send me your fax number…