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  • I would not share applications with another organization. As you stated in your post, it is "personal information." I would most likely get something in writing w/their sigantures. I know that means more work for you but I wouldn't take any ris…
  • My degree is in Management and my background is in HR, I have prior to this 3 years experience in HR and 1 year in my current position. It is just difficult for me to see others w/o experience or degrees get promoted and receive a higher wage. …
    in HR Salary Comment by Elle September 2004
  • Thanks LindaE for your advice. That is awesome that you got your increase!
    in HR Salary Comment by Elle September 2004
  • I just have to that now, bring it up. Actually, it is under 8% of its lowest level. I guess I'm just looking for different angles of approach the subject. Thanks.
    in HR Salary Comment by Elle September 2004
  • Hunter: He has given me several increases b/c he knows that I am under paid, that still doesn't make me feel better. I make the salary of what one of our ee without a degree and does basic adm. tasks. He may not come through again b/c he doesn't w…
    in HR Salary Comment by Elle September 2004
  • Thanks for your great advice. I hope I will have an opportunity to do this with him, he is rarely in the office and when he is, it is difficult to speak to him about things of this nature b/c it is time consuming. I'm hoping w/in a month or so. …
    in HR Salary Comment by Elle September 2004
  • Don I would never bring up the fact that I work with other's salaries. I am 6% under the lowest end of the range. I don't think I will be receving several raises this year, at this point, I think he will grant me one raise per year like everyo…
    in HR Salary Comment by Elle September 2004
  • Great advice, thanks Dutch2.
  • Thanks for the background information. My boss leaves things up to me to improve. If I present him with a better way of caculating the bonuses, he will most likely agree. I think this year there may be potential issues with the bonuses if we con…
  • Well, I think that ee think that they are all the same. I want ee to know that there is a formal system. I want to tie in how the organization (or even the department) is doing financially somehow. They keep decreasing every year (for most ee) an…
  • How do we view the pics?
  • I agree with the other post, you should state on the letter somehow that you are going to continue the search for the position. Good luck.
  • Thank you for your post. From what I have gathered, they understand why he felt the need to move on and are willing to correct the problem. He would like to stay with his current er if they are willing to follow through on the changes in his posit…
  • I don't see anything wrong with paying the drivers 2-3 hours of straight time, but you do have to make sure you are consistent with all your night drivers come up with exactly how many hours extra you do want to compensate them with. I always assum…
  • I would probably leave it alone and wait to see how the employees react to him "dressing" the woman. Hopefully, the drawn on bikini will make the uncomfortable employees not so uncomfortable. Also, I would reassure him that drawing on the bikini ma…
  • Great thanks! My e-mail is [email]hr@rses.org[/email]
  • Well, I really think it is important to get some feedback from employees about management. Nobody will refuses to sign anything, it will be optional. I think I will get a lot more information that way and also give employees the opportunity to…
  • Wish I could help you because that is something I may be interested in as well.
  • My first step would be to contact local manufacturers and gather as much information as possible and then purchase a specific survey for your industry and geographic location to support your information. I had to do this and it was difficult to get…
  • AJ SPHR: You are right, thank you for that very good point. I am trying my best to communicate things out properly, it is just hard when I have a boss that doesn't really acknowledge my work.
  • I agree and that is what I attempted to base them on this year, since I took the time to create a pay structure. He briefly acknowledged them and looked over the manager's recommendations and made his decision. We are very small and it is very o…
  • For the hiring I have done which has been all for professional positions, the % has been very small for dishonesty as far as time of service, position, all the factual information. Candidates know that they are going to checked as much as they can.…
    in References Comment by Elle August 2004
  • Don D, I agree you should not place any weight towards subjective comments but how would you make a final decision if you couldn't on just facts alone? Positive opinions should count as much as negative ones do. I am always finding myself in sim…
    in References Comment by Elle August 2004
  • HR Diva, Thank you so much for all of that information on becoming certified, it is truly helpful. I am hoping to take it next year and have my employer pay for it b/c yes, it is very expensive. I'm sure it will be beneficial to become certified…
  • Thank you so much for your input, that helps a lot. I will purchase the study guides and try to prepare as much as I can. Thanks again!
  • Thanks for the encouragement! Do you have any suggesstions on how to prepare for it? Was it a difficult exam? Any input would be helpful. Thanks.
  • Down-the-Middle, welcome to Chicago, it is a cut-throat market! Another situation I am coming across is speaking Spanish, it is a requirement now in HR. Not conversational Spanish but technical Spanish. Employers are looking for HR Managers to …
  • Pork: I know that it isn't required but I am noticing more and more jobs in HR are requiring PHR and/or SPHR certification. I have my a degree in management but that doesn't seem to be enough with what is happening in the market here in IL. Tha…
  • No, I did my homework first (somewhat), I just started doubting it too late into the process. I can find 50 articles supporting an EOM program and 50 against it. I just have to improve it now.
  • That would be great, you can e-mail it to [email]hr@rses.org[/email]. Thanks a lot.