FMLA Notice

Employee requested FMLA for 2 weeks. Medical certification confirmed 2 weeks. Now employee won't return in that time frame. Have requested additional medical certification. Do I need to send employee another Rights and Responsibility Form and/or Designation Form?
Since there was a change in circumstances with the ee's medically certified time frame for the aabsence then you are correct to request additional medical certification.
You would send a new Eligibility Notice only if the the ee's eligibility status has changed. (New FML year; FML time has expired; will not have enough FML time ETC) Since the DOL Eligibility Form Part B contains the "Rights & Responsibilities", there would be no need to send an additional copy in this case, separate from the Eligibility Notice.
Since the current Designation Notice is invalid by accepting the change in the ee's circumstance, I would send a new Designation Notice so that the ee will have a correct notice of the time that is certified for the ee to be off; how the time will be charged; and the expected date of return. This will also be important for your records to be accurate.