going paperless

We are working with our IT department to get our whole campus working toward a 'greener' community.  Ultimately, the HR department would like to be as paperless as possible.  Has anyone successfully accomplished this yet?  Are there any documents that cannot be electronically stored?  I've been told I-9's need to be kept in paper format, is this accurate?  Any suggestions on electronic signatures? Thanks!

Maureen Pinnick, PHR



  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You can store I-9 Forms electronically. The signature may also be made electronically. The Department of Homeland Security points employers to IRS revenue procedure 97-22 for guidance on electronic storage.


  • Here is a word of caution to you as you try to go paperless -  You need to be concerned about data security for confidential items that you are storing electronically.  You need to see who has access to the data on the network.  I can pretty much say with about 98% certainty it is more people then you realize. You need to find out who has administrator rights to all of these documents.  You need to limit this to as few people as possible so this information is not getting into the hands of the wrong people. 

    I have heard of companies even doing disciplinary actions electronically.  I am not a big fan of this.  Having that piece of paper in front of the employee that they read and sign still holds a lot of weight in my book.  I can see someone now saying - they told me to put my electronic signature on this online document but I thought it was benefits paperwork. 

    The other thing is how are you going to deal with medical paperwork for things like FMLA.  What about the paperwork for WC?  There may be some doctors that are willing to do things electronically, but probably not all of them you are dealing with.


  • Another thing to be aware of and plan for is system upgrades. Will you be able to open a saved document in five years, we all know how fast software can change!
  • Maureen, how is the weather in Frankin? I am in NC now buy am originally from Franklin/Nineveh (Princess Lakes) area. I have a cousin that either does or did attend Franklin college. Small world.

     On the paperless topic, what have you acheived so far? I see you already have your careers listed electronicly on your website but still have a printable application. How many applications do you receive annually? Have you thought about going with an applicant tracking system?

     John Wycoff

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