How long after an employee is terminated must we retain the EEO Employee Data Request?
Upon termination, may this be put in the employee's personnel file or must it still be filed seperately?
How long after an employee is terminated must we retain the EEO Employee Data Request?
Upon termination, may this be put in the employee's personnel file or must it still be filed seperately?
We do not keep these in the ee files. We have these in a seperate file by location.
Do we need to keep these as long as the ee is active? How long after termination do we need to keep these?
One year after hire at a minimum. That could affect some terms depending on your retention.
You will definitely need to keep it electronically for as long as you are doing your reporting and that person belongs on the report you are doing (assuming you aren't doing it by hand with paper). The EEO-1 report has no record keeping requirements that I am aware of. I would say that as soon as you do an AAP on which that person is not represented, there is no more reason to have it around. When I was last dealing with government regulations on this, the paper records were destroyed as soon as the data was entered in our electronic files and we never purged those until 5 years after term. However, we didn't have any concerns about past iniquities so if you are concerned about something that you would like to erase, you should probably check with an attorney for a more aggressive answer.
Thank you for this information. This answered all of my questions.
This was very helpful...what I was looking for.
Thank you for this information. This answered all of my questions.
This was very helpful...what I was looking for.
Glad to have helped.