HR Certification

Has anybody enrolled in online HRM certification courses from Villanova University or Ecornell University? Is it worth getting these certifications?
Any info will be appreciated.... Thanks
Has anybody enrolled in online HRM certification courses from Villanova University or Ecornell University? Is it worth getting these certifications?
Any info will be appreciated.... Thanks
I didn't enroll in either of the courses but did enroll in one at a different college. It was well worth my time. Although some people think that it is not necessary to get the certification, it is an extra boost to your professional profile. Think about it... everyone claims to be good in HR but only 60% of the test takers pass the exam. By getting your certification, you are not only saying you know it - you are actually proving it.
The class helped most with thinking in terms of test taking and knowing how to apply what I know to the test. I do not regret taking the class before the certification test. FYI - taking the class does not guarantee that you will pass either. There were several people in my class who were taking the class for the second time because they didn't pass the exam the first time they took it.
The class I took was backed by SHRM
I received my PHR certification in 1996 through a local college. It was a week long course and then we took the test on Saturday. It was very worthwhile and I can't imagine passing the exam without doing the course first. In 2003 I enrolled in the eCornell on-line courses and obtained their certification in Human Resource Studies. I liked the variety of courses and instructors in that program and thought it was very good. It is definately worth investigating. Good Luck!
Thank you all for the infomation... Will probably enroll in one of the 2 courses
The certification from Villanova says that the online program prepares HR professionals to take the PHR os SHRM certifications.
The one from Ecornell gives 6 recertification credit hours for PHR or SPHR certification.
You should check out the cerification program offered by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) in Alexandria, Va. As the former president of SHRM I spent many years chairing some of the committees among the early group that founded the process. The cert program goes back several decades and is based on what is important in HR - the body of knowledge. Many organizations offer certification programs that are not researched and documented in the body of knowledge for their field of endeavor. Only the SHRM program has the academicallly recognized body of knowledge in HR. Many colleges and universities offer programs, but the are programs of their own making and based on what they consider the field of HR to be. Only the SHRM program can stand the universal test of a documented and certified body of knowledge. There are two levels of certification, PHR and SPHR. The PHR is the lower level HR certification and the SPHR is the senior level. So, depending on upon your background, experience, etc. one program may be better than the other for you. Also, the SHRM cert program requires continuing education and is not just awarded. Tests are conducted around the country and in some cases, in companies depending on need. Also, you will find that the SHRM is widely recognized and even some consulting organizations in HR require their consultants to be certified in this program. One final point.
SHRM chapters around the country and even some colleges and universities offer prep courses rather than individual study programs. You might check to see is the MSU program is one that is sponsored by SHRM. If not, you might look for SHRM chapters in Michigan and find one of their programs. Or, SHRM offers individual study program guides, etc. So, depending on your need, they have a variety of ways for you to obtain your certification. There are now 86,000 certified professionals in HR and the numbers are growing each year.
Contact the Human Resource Certification Institute of SHRM in Alexandria, Va. Check out their website for further information. I hope this helps.
Ronald C. Pilenzo, PhD, SPHR, Hobe Sound, FL
Ron Pilenzo
I agree with checking out the SHRM courses for prep for the PHR or SPHR tests. I took that classes here in Atlanta, GA and it was 4 Saturdays at a local hotel. They gave you a big book to study from and had actual questions from previous tests. I felt very prepared when I took the PHR test and passed it the first time (they told us in class that about 50% fail the first time).
I realize everyone has time constraints and it really depends a lot about how you learn. I felt being around other HR professionals and hearing their questions and interactions helped as much as the lectures themselves.