Vacation Accruals calculated at a daily rate

Ok, call me a ding dong, (math not my fav subject in school) but I currently work in a small company that does EVERYTHING manually.  The last few years I've been at larger co's which had HRIS systems calculate daily accruals.  Can someone provide me with a formula? 



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Here's one way. Let's say the the full year vacation benefit for a person was 80 hours, and you wanted to calculate daily accrued vacation From January 1 through June 30.

    1) Count the number of days between 1/1 and 6/30. You can count the number of days by using a calendar, or use the online calculator at  that does it for you.  In this case, it is 181 days.

    2) Divide 365 (days in a year) into 181 (the number of day in the period 1/1 through 6/30). The result is .4958. 

    3) Now, multiply .4958 by the full year vacation benefit, 80 hours. The result is 39.66.

    So vacation hours accrued 1/1 through 6/30 for an 80 hour benefit is 39.64 hours. 

     As a formula, it would read: number of accrued days divided by 365 (except in leap year 366 days), times the number of hours/days in the full annual vacation benefit. equals accrual.

  • max benefit hours divided by number of pay periods = potential per pay period
    potential per pay period divided by days in pay period = daily accrual potential.

    80 hours in 26 pay periods = 3.077 hours per pay period
    3.077 hours per pay period divided by 10 days in the pay period is .3077 per day.



  • I have an Excel spreadsheet that I use to calculate vacation based upon hours worked/paid.  I am happy to forward it to you if you will send me a PM with your e-mail address.
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