Reissuing payroll checks

I was just curious what your policy is for reissuing payroll checks...
Do you make your employee wait before reissuing -If so, how long?
Do you charge a fine -If so, how much?
Reissue no questions asked -Are you a large/small company?
Do you make your employee wait before reissuing -If so, how long?
Do you charge a fine -If so, how much?
Reissue no questions asked -Are you a large/small company?
Due to automatic deposits we have not had to reissue a paycheck for years. Our policy has not changed though. The employee must sign an avidavit that they have not cashed the check and will not cash it should they find it. We issue a stop payment and reissue the check to the employee. The process takes about 2 days. We feel that is penalty enough, though we might revisit it if we had someone who was consistantly losing paychecks and causing us problems. Otherwise, we see it more like employees who lose a W2.
We are a small company.
Hope this answer helps.
Your first post! Welcome to the Forum. :welcome:
Thanks for the welcome and the answers!