Ghost Thread

What's up with the thread that has no title, can't be viewed, yet the view counter says 2?
I tried to post a screen shot to illustrate, but evidently I am not smart enough to do that. x:D
I tried to post a screen shot to illustrate, but evidently I am not smart enough to do that. x:D
Go ahead tell me moe about the ghost thread.
In its first life, it was a farm wife in the early 1800's. Her husband mysteriously disappeared while plowing the fields. When he didn't return for a tasty supper of corn pone, dried beef and strong coffee, she went to the field to give him holy he## for being late. All she found was the plow with a sticky substance dripping from the blade, and one boot, laces still tied.
Well, her first thought was.... (you take it from there, Paul)
Then she ambled slowly back to her warmly lit farm house, tossed the one boot onto the pile of other mismatched boots and began rifling through her desk drawer for a pen and the life insurance paperwork.
Soldiering on, she began to dream of how she'd spend her fortune (with the appropriate amount of grief expected from a widow, of course).
(take it away, kids)
But... it was too late. His wife saw him. She had that look in her eye that he's seen many times before, and he felt panic roiling in his stomach, blending with the whiskey, barely unable to keep the whiskey from coming back up.
The barmaid/stylist saw her too, and said "Hey, Madge! Long time, no see! I've got someone hiding behind me I'd like for you to meet! He just told me the most fascinating story about his ex-wife. She sounds like a real soap!"
Madge walked in, with fire in her eyes and steam coming from her ears. As she peeked around the barmaid/stylist to introduce herself to the quaking "stranger," she.....
And with that, she clocked him upside the head with the now-empty whisky bottle, and stomped off in search of another heavily insured, eligible, and easily pushed-around bachelor.
She lived a long, angry, bitter life, and died at the ripe old age of 92, after having finished off her 32nd husband/life insurance policy.
Still miserable and bitter, even in death, she haunted the plow, the farm, the toilet seat, and even the bar, forever more.
The end.
(I had to finish this one off, since nobody else was gonna do it!)
I like the finish though. Very HR appropriate.