Tour de Lance

Rumor has it that Lance Armstrong may come out of retirement for 2009 Tour de France. The number of American TV viewers watching the Tour de France is way down the past couple of years without Lance in the competition. The Tour of Missouri is going on now; however, this appears to be way down on the list of activities to go to unless it just happens to come through town. I have not heard one person at work commit about the state tour this year. These guys are such great athletes I can't believe it is not a more popular sport. During the most recent tour and while showing some of the terrible wrecks one of the commentators (a former competitor) make the statement that if you want to know what it is like to crash in the Tour, the next time you are driving down the road at 50 miles per hour, wearing only your underwear jump out of the car and onto the pavement.
We've had a criterium race here in Binghamton for going on 20 years as a memorial to a biker who was killed while training. A few years ago they added running to the event and now the newspaper seems to focus on that part and all but ignore the bike racers, and we do get some good international racers.
Well, Lance is just following in the footsteps of other professional athletes who can't quite give it up when it's time to retire - like Bret.
I had the pleasure (?) of being in London for the tour in 2007. I can tell you that the Europeans did not miss Lance; there was a great turnout there. Just for fun - if you don't want to try jumping out of a car, try getting around a strange town with 3 teenage boys and all the roads are blocked!
Bad experience?
They really were into the Tour though. It was neat to see how excited everyone was - with painted faces and flags...
I'm anxious to see Landis' return to cycling as well as see how things unfold if Lance joins the Astana team who already have Alberto Contador and Levi Leipheimer. Will Lance be a domestique...?
I was going to crack a joke about him washing dishes and vacuuming because he would be domestic. I doubt that many people here are familiar with bike racing terminology.