Geography and Personality

From a Newsweek article....
[i]Since personality is so important to both social and individual outcomes, the hunt is on for which traits vary geographically and why. According to the most extensive study yet of how personality varies across the United States, a “neuroticism belt†divides the East and West, with states from Maine to Louisiana scoring highest and the West lowest, find Jason Rentfrow of Cambridge University and colleagues. [b]There is also a geographic divide in openness (a measure of willingness to embrace new ideas and creativity), with the Northeast and West Coast much higher than the Midwest and South,[/b] according to the data from 619,397 people who filled out an online personality survey and were representative of the U.S. population in education, income and other measures. Extroversion is highest in the Great Plains, Midwest and Southeast, and lowest in the Northwest and Northeast, the scientists will report next month in Perspectives on Psychological Science. For agreeable people, go to the Midwest and Southeast, and avoid the Northeast. For conscientiousness, head for the South and Midwest, not the Northeast. At a finer scale, [b]Alaskans may be amused (or not) that they rank dead last in agreeableness and conscientiousness,[/b] while North Dakotans rank highest on extroversion and agreeableness but last in openness. The good folks of Utah are the least neurotic.[/i]
I put in bold some sections that apply specifically to some of our esteemed members. Nothing was said though about Italians living in the South.
[i]Since personality is so important to both social and individual outcomes, the hunt is on for which traits vary geographically and why. According to the most extensive study yet of how personality varies across the United States, a “neuroticism belt†divides the East and West, with states from Maine to Louisiana scoring highest and the West lowest, find Jason Rentfrow of Cambridge University and colleagues. [b]There is also a geographic divide in openness (a measure of willingness to embrace new ideas and creativity), with the Northeast and West Coast much higher than the Midwest and South,[/b] according to the data from 619,397 people who filled out an online personality survey and were representative of the U.S. population in education, income and other measures. Extroversion is highest in the Great Plains, Midwest and Southeast, and lowest in the Northwest and Northeast, the scientists will report next month in Perspectives on Psychological Science. For agreeable people, go to the Midwest and Southeast, and avoid the Northeast. For conscientiousness, head for the South and Midwest, not the Northeast. At a finer scale, [b]Alaskans may be amused (or not) that they rank dead last in agreeableness and conscientiousness,[/b] while North Dakotans rank highest on extroversion and agreeableness but last in openness. The good folks of Utah are the least neurotic.[/i]
I put in bold some sections that apply specifically to some of our esteemed members. Nothing was said though about Italians living in the South.
That's good though because I sure would have not liked to start sending "evil eyes" !!
By the way we are bracing for Hannah here, so please keep all of us in your prayers!!
Marina - good luck and take care!!
Of course, this is also an extremely Republican state, so you can make what you will of that in connection with this study!
Did that report say anything about "anal" people living mostly in New York?
>Southeast, and lowest in the Northwest and Northeast,
Since the southwest evidently does not exist, I'll place myself in the midwest/great plains category, being a Nebraska girl.
Hey Paul, I am more extroverted than you.
I am proud to hail from the cool, laid back, casually hip Pacific Northwest! We are way better than the uptight, pretentious Northeast.
This is also the region that decided it was better for:
Music to be "edgy" than melodic...
Coffee to be pricey than roasted properly...
Software to be "standard" than stable.
Edgy, pricey, standard... sure a lot easier than worrying about quality!