
I want to post a picture, but I can't find how to do it. All I could find was that it had to be a link to a website. I am sure others have uploaded pictures before. Can anyone help me?
I can't figure out how I became a great-grandmother when I still want to go hiking and hear music I can dance to. I guess all the hair color and moisturizers in the world can't cover up some things. x:D
(the Ne sound is like the Ne in Nebraska, and the Vay sound is like the word way.)
My grand-daughter talked about naming the child Nevaeh Renea. Renea is my first name and her middle name. However, many people do not pronouce it like Renee. When they see it they often say Re-Nay-uh. We agreed that someone saying Ne-Vay-uh Re-Nay-uh was too much and was glad she decided on Nevaeh Lyn. x:-)
Boy, it's probably lucky she didn't use Renea for a middle name. I know to pronounce that as "Renee" because I've known people who have spelled it that way, but overall "Lyn" was probably safer.
With my grandkids we have a real tendency to abbreviate their names, so Neveah would probably become "Nevie" or even "Nev" (or possibly even "Veah"!) in no time at all. My 10-month-old granddaughter is Natalie and even if she's dressed all in pink, for some reason people tend to mistake her for a boy, so I'm trying to break the habit of calling her "Nat", which people assume is short for Nathan or Nathaniel.