We currently have 1 Sidekick available. HRQ is a ship lost at sea and needs some one who is kind, wise, and clever to assist. If you feel you qualify and would like a sidekick, please put your bid in for HRQ.
Bidding will close on 9-30-07. All bids must be in US Currency. Delivery of sidekick must be taken by 10-15-07.
Bidding will close on 9-30-07. All bids must be in US Currency. Delivery of sidekick must be taken by 10-15-07.
By the way, how much is shipping?
Does the lack of bidding concern you? Maybe you haven't tried to "sell" Q aggressively enough.
Personally, I think it could be difficult taking on a "rebound" sidekick.
Let's see:
Oil & vinegar
Chlorine Bleach & Ammonia
Spears and Federline
Besides, I don't really want a sidekick anyways. I am a lone wolf.
I am just bidding to make her feel better. She is kind of down as you may know.
Cain & Abel
And you are right, (May the ghost of Ray forgive me for saying Paul is right) she did say you two were too much alike.
Will a sidekick help around the house? I might increase my bid.
While we are waiting on people to garner the courage to place a bid for this sidekick, let's play name that sidekick. I'll name the sidekick and you post the companion.
Natasha Fatale
Lydia Deetz
Low Blow!!!
Besides, if you were truly from a younger generation you would have Googled it. x:P
Otherwise I would have...
Fahgeddit. I roll solo. Or something like that. I don't know what the kids say these days.
The phrase from Peewee's Big Adventure just came to me: "I'm a loner, Dottie, a rebel." Yep, that's me.
And where is everyone, anyway? I know what's keeping Larry busy. We know that unlike the rest of us, Ray has a life outside of the Forum. But what are allsteaks and Franks excuses? Frank swoops in and drops his truly fabulous Dead Horse thread, then wanders off.
I decided to go solo after all. I enjoyed being Ray's sidekick because he never really treated me like one.
He's OK - he has some stuff to take care of and the Forum had to play second fiddle. Or second brass, as it were.
p.s. How do you feel about wearing a uniform?
I was going to offer to outbid Paul, but I like Nae's suggestion much better.
I told you I was already married.