Soaring with Eagles

I am one very proud Daddy this morning.
My oldest son passed his Eagle Scout board of review last night and apparently raised the bar. The three gentlemen that conducted the board of review commented in their closing that they have done hundreds of these and they would rank my son in the top ten of any scout they have ever worked with before. This was based on his Eagle project book , his knowledge of Scouting, polite manner (all yes sir's) and the overall manner in which he presented himself.
Now if I can just get his younger brother to complete one more merit badge....
My oldest son passed his Eagle Scout board of review last night and apparently raised the bar. The three gentlemen that conducted the board of review commented in their closing that they have done hundreds of these and they would rank my son in the top ten of any scout they have ever worked with before. This was based on his Eagle project book , his knowledge of Scouting, polite manner (all yes sir's) and the overall manner in which he presented himself.
Now if I can just get his younger brother to complete one more merit badge....
Be proud!