Everybody Loves Ray

I wanted to start a thread that was devoted to my good friend and sometimes nemesis Ray. This thread is all Ray, all the time. Topics must somehow relate to Ray, his likes and dislikes, quirks and qualities, etc.
Taken from: Macbeth
Banana fana fo fay
Fe fi fo may
Ray, ay.
I get to be the pink one.
We probably ought to try to turn the tone towards more positive comments about Ray. I propose we all go around the room and share one nice thing about Ray.
Who would be willing to start?
When I look up Ray in the thesaurus, it tells me Ray is also;
- a beam
- a shaft
- glimmer
- gleam
- flicker
- hint
- spark
- trace
There do not appear to be any antonyms to ray. He's got that goin' for him. No "anti-ray." Unless that is Paul.
Give me a minute. I'm workin' on it...
(I am the most AWESOMEST singer, right?)
Was this supposed to be a music-themed thread? Ray's a musical kind of guy, so I suppose it should be fine, right?
(mumble mumble mumble) and (mumble) on mittens.
Brown paper packages tied up in string,
These are a few of our favorite things!
There's a new show on TV where you can win money by knowing all the lyrics to a song. Please don't try out for it. Based on your mumble, mumbles in the previous post I don't think you would win. Unless of course, Ray was willing to use his musical talent and provide you some extensive coaching.
By the way, the mumble mumble part is "Snowflakes on lashes and warm woolen mittens"
Because of RAY, I am now over 1600 posts!
Yaaayyyy, RAY! :DD
Enough already with rays. Although you forgot
gamma ray
We must also realize if he was in the South he would be Bobby Ray so Larry Ray, or Ray Bob, etc. If he was in San Fran, he would of course be called that other word that rhymes with ray...
Allsteaks, don't even think for a second I didn't notice that subtle misspelling of insightfulness. RAY is far more inciteful than he is insightful.
do RAY me fa so la ti do!
He's easily the senior ranking member of the forum since that other guy left.
I have never met his wife but I picture her to be a longsuffering person for some reason.
I told him what you are doing with this thread. So far he seems not to give a whit. That's another thing I appreciate about Ray. He lets us entertain ourselves pretty much however we see fit. Until someone starts talkin' smack about the trombone, that is.
Famous Rays:
Ray Romano
Ray Bradbury
Ray Liotta
Ray Charles
Ray Nagin (New Orleans Mayor)
Billy RAY Cyrus
Rachel RAY
Here is a photo of Ray: [url]http://www.idsia.ch/~juergen/ray1.jpg[/url]
Ok, its just a guy named Ray. But Ray has a beard and similar facial features (eyes, nose, mouth, etc)
Paul, I'm waiting to see you post my new nickname. It may give Rita a chuckle.
Ray, you look a little bit like Santa. Enjoy hanging out on the green in your big red suit today. I prefer the driving RAYnge.