Ultimate Fighting

Have you heard of this? Ultimate Fighting Championship or UFC? Its HUGE! You may have seen the DVDs of the big matches at your local video store.
Some say that it will replace boxing and wrestling and even be bigger than both sports. If you haven't seen it, its basically two guys beating the crap out of eachother. You can box, kick, head butt, etc.. Just about anything short of killing the other guy.
I have never watched one of the matches or pay per views but I did watch a compilation of UFC fights online and it was pretty disturbing. Its not a big step to gladiators and coliseums.
I used to enjoy watching boxing. I found it graceful albeit brutal. This just seems brutal.
Some say that it will replace boxing and wrestling and even be bigger than both sports. If you haven't seen it, its basically two guys beating the crap out of eachother. You can box, kick, head butt, etc.. Just about anything short of killing the other guy.
I have never watched one of the matches or pay per views but I did watch a compilation of UFC fights online and it was pretty disturbing. Its not a big step to gladiators and coliseums.
I used to enjoy watching boxing. I found it graceful albeit brutal. This just seems brutal.
You box and arm wrestle. Are you also trained in martial arts?
>You box and arm wrestle. Are you also trained in >martial arts?[/font]
No, no martial arts. For some reason that never appealed to me. Maybe not "raw" enough for my tastes. Who knows.
Just because it exists does not make it our culture. Child porn exists. Sexual deviants exist. Serial killers exist. That is not our culture. That is sick.
I'm afraid we have become too complacent in allowing this kind of manure to appear and wanting to be politically correct in not destroying it before it destroys us.
And I am not saying we shouldn't fight against it, either. I didn't say anything about just accepting it, I said it exists. Recognizing its existence, that it is not some passing fad, should lead us to speak out against it. The first step is change the channel. The second step is be aware of who is sponsoring such programming and responding according to your level of commitment.
Pro wrestling was always entertainment. Everybody knew it was fake. It was a soap opera. It was low theater.
Ultimate Fighting is very real. The guys really beat the crap out of eachother.
The best fights are here on the forum like the one where I literally knocked the pants off ACU Frank.
Where was Missk when all that was going down? She sounds like she could have beat the two of us up.
Allsteaks, help me out here.
UF won't find a place on our tv either. I don't think the sponsors care that we are not watching though. They are appealing to the Y generation and could care less if we hate them. Of course, if enough of us got together against an advertiser and it made the news....
Thanks for letting me watch!!
>global warming! Idol playing, Q groovin, Frank
>pantless, Paul on WWF, Nae and Dutch reminiscing"
Allsteaks, Isn't that the Billy Joel song "We Didn't Start the Fire"?
I dont watch it now but there was a time I enjoyed it. Ok, I got that out and I feel better.
Lets keep talking about wrestling so we dont have to acknowledge Frank's awkward statement.