Even More Seriouser Question

The Today Show is saying that a survey by [url]www.zagat.com[/url] is saying that Wendy's has the best burger of all fast food joints.
Now this is something that is very important to me. I think the results are skewed as In-and-Out Burger (A mostly Californian burger chain) was left out and its burgers are legendary.
But I didnt know Wendy's was that great. What have I been missing? Any one here a Wendy's fan?
Now this is something that is very important to me. I think the results are skewed as In-and-Out Burger (A mostly Californian burger chain) was left out and its burgers are legendary.
But I didnt know Wendy's was that great. What have I been missing? Any one here a Wendy's fan?
There is a coner restaurant/greasy spoon downtown, just across the street from where I work that has a "nooner special" that is a double cheese burger with fries that we all really like.
I'm salivating just thinking about the burgers. Crap. Now I'm hungry and its only 9am!
Their menu is ridiculously simple. Burger, Double Double, shakes, drinks, fries. Thats about it. Everything is pretty cheap too.
Fresh ingredients. A secret menu. Clean, bright restaurants with employees that actually seem to be enjoying their work.
I have heard In and Out pays quite a bit higher than the national average for the industry. Not suprising.
Back in Bible college, I had a group of friends who made an In and Out run one time over the weekend. 18 hours down to California, got the burgers, and drove back.
We finally got a Sonic here in Southern Oregon last month and their burger isn't too bad either. They serve you at your car in roller skates too; just like the old A&W used to!
However, they have the WORST ice cream! They advertise their shakes and ice cream all the time, but they seem flavorless to me. The one exception is when they mix ice cream with a slush flavor.
They also have some of the dumbest commercials ever written. I can't explain it, but for some reason I like them. Go figure.
Yeah, pretty lame commercials, but I like them, too.
I do like their cream slushes, so that must mask the icecream flavor.
My favorite is the Rt.66 (big one!) strawberry limeaid. It Rocks!
Here in the Land of 10,000 Fat Food Restaurants, our local Wendy's was recently shut down because of all the drug dealing going on at the "drive thru".
I wish they would chop their onions. Other than that I thought Wendy's was pretty good. Apparently they were TOO good at OUR Wendy's.
Thats why I dont argue with my waiter or counter person. You just dont want them getting any crazy ideas about adding any special "garnishes" to your food.
Ok, I have lost my appetite.
About 10-15 years ago, a police officer ordered a hamburger at a Jack in the Box drive thru. He received what he ordered, except there was extra condiment: a big honkin' loogie.
I still can't bring myself to eat at Jack in the Box.
I do not eath fish. I have made a choice to live the harmless life.
It doesn't mean I am not a hypocrite, I just try each day not to be as big a one...
I would also choose to live a harmless life but I want to reserve the right to occassionally smack someone upside the head.
Then again, go try convincing a carrot your lifestyle is harmless. Carrots cry too, you know.