
If you want to read about the great things that have come from the legalization of medical marijuana use in CA click on this link. This article is unbelievable.
I had a "friend" who used to air pop popcorn trying to keep those calories to a minimum. Of course, I wouldn't know...x;-)
Hey, what's a little forklift accident here or there or an 18 wheeler plowing into a line of slower moving traffic? The permanent haze that regular dope smokers walk around in is, in my estimation, much worse (for safety) than a hangover.
I've not heard of any of those guys dying from putting a gerbil in their rectum either, but that's no reason I would advocate it.
I've been around an alcoholic. Can't say that there was a lot of coherency there when the drinks start pouring at 8 a.m. Never been around someone who consistently starts smoking pot at 8 a.m. so wouldn't know which one is better, or worse, as the case may be.
I know way too much about this stuff. I've administered our pre-employment, random, general, post-accident, and reasonable suspicion drug testing program for 10 years.
I see no reason why an individual, under a doctor's supervision, should not be allowed to take something that helps. Otherwise, maybe we should ban any medication that can become addictive or can be abused or can impair a person's performance (however, then we would have no medications available).
I don't think it is more of a gateway drug than alcohol is. If you can't say no to a joint being passed around, you're likely to also not be able to say no to a rolled-up bill and some lines of the white stuff or a syringe and a spoon.
And just think of all the 13 year old blind boys running around out there!
Legalization MAY, however, increase the amount of time that law enforcement has to deal with larger kinds of criminal activity and free up some court calendars.
This would be no more acceptable than coming to work intoxicated or driving under the influence. We still expect people to show up ready and fit to work.
it would be even better if we could tax it....but that's another discussion!
By legalizing MJ, the States that have done so have taken on those issues.
Nevada is one of the states that has done this. We also just adopted legislation that can allow consumers to buy drugs from Canadian pharmacies - which is also against federal law.
I am for legalizing MJ. There are a bunch of reasons for it, which I won't get into here.