White Christmas

Old Man Winter sure is trying to give us a White Christmas but I hear tell that the multiple inches of snow we may get today will be gone by Thursday when it's supposed to be in the low 50's and rainy. *BIG Sigh*

Anyone have some snow to spare? I only want it for a few days and then it can go away for the rest of the year x;-)


  • 20 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Sorry, none to spare here on the shores of Lake Huron in Mi, but we've had several days of bitter below 0 weather I'd be glad to share.
  • Nah, lake winds and low temps aren't what I'm looking for. It's probably a good thing we can't just program our weather daily, huh?

  • We can send you some of ours. We're supposed to get 7" today and more tomorrow and Wednesday. It looks like it will be a white Christmas in central Wisconsin!
  • I can only wish. We haven't seen snow in years and years. Well, maybe there was a three minute flurry a year or so back that melted before it hit the ground.

    I would to have a white Christmas. They are rare indeed down here.
  • If it were possible, I'd ship some down to you. Maybe you should plan a vacation to the beautiful Northeast. The NH White Mountains in particular are gorgeous any time of year.

  • We got a pretty little dusting of flurries Saturday night. It was perfect for sitting in the hot tub and admiring the neighbors Christmas lights. I sure hope we get more in the next few days. I love a white Christmas and really want to try out the snowshoes I got last year and haven't been able to use yet.
  • Head onover to the UP - I think they got 27 inches last week. Surely that's enough towarrant a trip on the snow shoes.
  • Cool! We're heading north after Christmas. Me on snow shoes might be even funnier than the puppy romping through a foot or three of snow.
  • The Mrs and me drove out to Ohio today. Mostly bitter cold. All across NY it was in the negative numbers until we reached the western border then it hit the big Zero. Snowed yesterday and quite heavily in western NY and PA, especially around Erie. At the times the passing lane was covered. Had only one scare on the beltway around Cleveland. Passing a truck and came up to the top of a rise at 75MPH and the passing lane was coverd in about 2 inches of snow that drifted. And it was on a curve. I said "Oh man, hang on" thinking we were goners. Well, that truck slowed down enough to allow me to edge over and get 2 wheels on dry pavement and we made it. I think my heart slowed down about 5 miles later.
  • I can tell you from waaaay down here in the South, it was plumb damned foolish for you to be drivin' 75 miles per hour in snow, ice and mountains! It don't take a whole lot of sense to come to that conclusion.
  • Nah, we had gone over 50 miles with clear roads. A little excitement is good for the heart.
  • >Nah, we had gone over 50 miles with clear roads.
    > A little excitement is good for the heart.

    But could be bad for the shorts.
  • Well it's not quite Christmas but it is actually snowing in Dallas today! Was 70 degrees yesterday and sleet this morning but right now it is snowing!! the trees and house tops have a very nice white dusting it is soooo pretty! The snow melts before it hits the ground but this is the closest Dallas has come to a white Christmas in the 20+ years I've been here. I feel like singing Christmas Carols...LOL Let it snow let it snow let it snow!
  • I lived just outside of Dallas in 1984 and there was about 1 to 1-1/2 inches of snow there. Coming from Kentucky where we get snow, it was pretty funny to see how excited people were. The ladies I worked with were all saying they didn't know if they could make it in to work the next day. I thought that was just too funny!

    Anyway, here in Lexington, KY we received about 1 inch of ice last night, but I got to work by 8:05 this morning anyway! Thank God for garages!

    Merry Christmas to everyone!

  • First you lose Old Man in the Mountain, now this. Hopefully, 2005 will be better. Deidre
  • Yes Deidre it was a very, very sad day when The Old Man crumbled but his memory will live on.

    For those who aren't up on NH natural wonders...The Old Man of the Mountain, nicknamed the Great Stone Face or Profile, was located in Franconia Notch State Park. The Old Man of the Mountain was scenically set 1,200' above Profile Lake. Discovered in 1805, the rocks that made up the profile collapsed on May 3, 2003.

    Daniel Webster once said:
    "Men hang out their signs indicative of their respective trades; shoemakers hang out a gigantic shoe; jewelers a monster watch, and the dentist hangs out a gold tooth; but in the mountains of New Hampshire, God Almighty has hung out a sign to show that there He makes men."

    Anyway, the snow that arrived on Monday is still hanging around (on the ground) but it's 34 degrees out and will continue to warm until the weekend. Join me in crossing your fingers that some will stay on the ground until Saturday night x;-)
  • You probably already know this... No snow in Florida! It's beautiful - sunny and and 70 degrees. But we are supposed to get down to 50 degrees tonight. Brrrr....

    I grew up in Toledo, Ohio and my parents said that they are supposed to get 6-10 inches tonight.

    Merry Christmas Everyone!!
  • OK OK OK I've changed my mind! We just got a foot of the lovely stuff and it's still comin down and blowin horizontal. How may cubic miles of the stuff do ya want?
  • I just heard on the news that we got 15.5 inches of snow here in the Cleveland, Ohio area since 7:00 a.m. yesterday morning. Anyone who wants a white Christmas can have some of the stuff we have on the ground. You can take as much as you want out of my driveway. And this wasn't even "lake effect snow". This came up from the south! Merry Christmas to all!
  • Our Dallas office closed yesterday due to the "harsh" weather. I think they said that there was about 2 inches on the ground.

    It's raining very hard right now with 53 degrees. I think I've been too conservative with my wishing for a white Christmas this year...sigh...

    HO, HO and Have a Blessed Christmas Y'all x:-)

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