What's under the wrapping?

Anyone giving or getting some really fabulous gifts this year?
I have my son so snowed right now, he doesn't know he is getting the "only thing I've ever really, really, really wanted in the whole, entire WORLD mom" GameBoy Advance NDS. The system fits in your hand, so I wrapped it in a HUGE box filled with blankets. It's so much fun watching his glum little face staring at the Christmas tree x}>
I have my son so snowed right now, he doesn't know he is getting the "only thing I've ever really, really, really wanted in the whole, entire WORLD mom" GameBoy Advance NDS. The system fits in your hand, so I wrapped it in a HUGE box filled with blankets. It's so much fun watching his glum little face staring at the Christmas tree x}>
The one gift that matters to my dad is that I am getting married next month. He told me that's enough of a gift for him.
You're right - I CAN'T WAIT :DD for Christmas this year and to see his face when he discovers the present x:D
Every member of our family made a wish list. They're getting shorter and more expensive every year. Both of our daughters have each circled their wants in the Craftsman sales flyer and left them with their wish lists.
My husband wants speakers from Cambridge Sound Works and a Dewalt cordless skill saw. I give up...
HRinNH-Thank you! He is definitely the right one. We knew so quickly just a few months into our relationship, but it has taken us 4 1/2 years to get married. Gifts never get cheaper as kids get older.
mwild-Thank you! Hopefully this will make my dad happier than he has been lately. This is the first Christmas since his mom passed away.
Happy Holidays everyone!!! :DD
We had very little money so we each bought the other one [b]A[/b] gift. We wrapped them carefully and put them under our little tree. He asked me every day after work if I had touched my gift to which I honestly replied "no". The build up was intense and I couldn't imagine what it could be. When the moment came and I could finally open it, to my surprise he had bought me a package of skirt hanger clips. Needless to say, it wasn't what I had expected and since he didn't get the reaction he thought he deserved, that was the last gift I received for long awhile.
Then a little box in the toe of a shoe might contain this note, "Now you looked in my shoes and I'm watching you smile; so now go look where laundry is in a pile." So, he had to figure out where that would be and dashed into the laundry room (closet with washer and dryer,ha) and rifled through a pile of clothes in a laundry basket atop the dryer. Well, that's the general idea. And finally the gift, whether small or large, inexpensive or not, but usually was, would eventually be found after watching him or her scramble all around the house for as long as 30 or 40 minutes. The anxiety was multiplied each time you found a box, not knowing if this was THE ONE or if it would hold yet another poem.
I guess there's a psychological term for this kind of torture inflicted by a parent/husband. x:-)
In our big back yard there's a hopping, happy toad.
Now go jump like that and sit in the middle of the road.
This year I'm giving him a black powder rifle. (?) I think that's what it's called. He e-mailed me a few different ones and I picked one.
My son and I went shopping this past weekend. It's our annual thing - we go shopping, have a nice lunch, and go to a movie - and he shops for his gifts to give to others. We went to a store that had a jacket he'd been wanting but I was afraid to buy it without him trying it on - they're hard to find and could take a while to get in another one if it didn't fit. So he found the one he wanted and I bought it for him.
He also wanted a paint ball gun but all I can see is our home with big splotches of red and blue and green paint all over it.
Hubby is getting my son a portable DVD player.
I'm also getting each of them a massage - actually two, one for 60 minutes and one for 30 minutes. They both have wanted one for years and have never really gone. We just joined a fitness center and they offer massages, thought it was a great gift for them. Something neither asked for but both will enjoy.