Big Brother 5

Once again Big Brother has started, one of my favorite reality shows. Anybody else watching this?
This year, they have two half-siblings in the house who previously never knew of each other. They've now figured it out in the house by comparing some family details . . . very interesting.
Another twist is coming, they will be swapping out identical twins periodically.
Thank goodness for Tivo!
This year, they have two half-siblings in the house who previously never knew of each other. They've now figured it out in the house by comparing some family details . . . very interesting.
Another twist is coming, they will be swapping out identical twins periodically.
Thank goodness for Tivo!
Can you imagine a Big Brother 6 with all HR Forum friends. This would be where we would finally decipher who is really who and kick people out one at a time.
Do you think 13 HR people could survive in a house together?
I'm interested to see what the twist will be with the Power of Veto...they keep talking that up.
The power of veto, I hope it's just a simple change, where they can veto themselves. I believe in the past they couldn't veto themselves off, right?
I'm an addict and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
I believe last year was the first year they could veto themselves. I remember someone (Marcellas?) not using the veto on themselves and they regretted it later.
I heard that there's a twist in that some HG's are twins...have you heard about that?
After a short period of time, somebody is going to swap out with their identical twin and see if the other HG's notice.
What a crazy idea.
I'm setting the VCR for tonight's episode...hopefully I'll get to watch it tomorrow night, so don't post who gets booted here tomorrow. Thanx! x:-)
We actually tivo'd the part where Natalie finally came into the house and we've watched it several times over and over. Are we addicted or what? I thought that was GREAT!
I miss looking at Scott; they could have gotten rid of Jase first. x:(
Who's your favorite? Mine is Karen.
Nice to have you back
. . . nominate Diane and Marvin and let them win the veto or somebody who will take them off. THEN put Jase up. They figure then that it's a sure thing. If Jase was intially nominated, he would have the chance of winning veto and taking himself off.
Pretty clever Nakomis!