Car names?

OK maybe it is just my goofy family but we have always named our cars. Anyway, my SO and I just bought a black Ford Explorer and we LOVE it. It is the comfiest ride, it really doesn't guzzle as much gas as we were warned and every day we find some new litle feature that surprises and delights us.
I think this truck deserves a name but my SO has never done this and is digging his heels in with the naming.
Do any of you other forumaniacs name your cars?
Do I owe beagle or sunny the honors for an apt term for us?
Oh and my personal favorite for the truck is Rufus.
I think this truck deserves a name but my SO has never done this and is digging his heels in with the naming.
Do any of you other forumaniacs name your cars?
Do I owe beagle or sunny the honors for an apt term for us?
Oh and my personal favorite for the truck is Rufus.
Don't get me started on Ford's, because I might offend you with my ranting!
Brad Forrister
Director of Publishing
M. Lee Smith Publishers
At one time, when we had all four of our collective kids living with us at the same time, we had a big, turquoise Chevy Astrovan, which we called "Godzilla", because it could gobble up four teenagers and still have room for two adults.
Silver Montero ~ The millineum Falcon
Blue Honda(RIP)~ the X wing fighter
Toyota (Rip)~ Jabba the Hut
Chevy ~ LUKE
Those were my Star wars years( Ex Husbands ideas)
I now have a Black Honda Accord named Black beauty or when I'm over 80 mph
(quite often) She turns into the night rider..
We call my boyfiend's car (a 93 Nissan) "Hector" after some small boxer who never gave up. (Perhaps the forumaniacs who like boxing will know the whole name) Hector (the car) tangled with a semitruck on ice last winter and came out as the victor. (thankfully!)
I have a 2000 Subaru Forester - which is referred to as the "UraBus" (backwards) or if my boyfiend wants to get my goat, the "Martina-Mobile." Perhaps you saw the Martina Navatalovic (sp?)ad for Foresters?
As an aside, and NOB - apparently in California they keep a LOT of demographics. The Forester is the #1 selling car to lesbians. I get a lot of kidding about that - and last Saturday at Barney's Quick Lube, a woman dressed as a man, struck up a conversation with me about preferring all wheel drive and Subarus over other vehicles. Nice enough person, however, I noted she was driving a large Dodge pickup with an extended cab.
Never named my cars, but I do become emotionally attached to them - ask my wife - or better yet, don't ask her. We had a similar discussion on a trombone forum I belong to about naming our trombones. That was an interesting discussion, especially when it came to the gender of names. Think about how you play a brass wind instrument. I named my bass "The General".
I drive a Cadillac - any suggestions for a name for me?
What color is it? That might help with a name.
Am I in trouble again?
Anyway, call it 'ole blue eyes'.
I could go on an age and a day about Fords...I've had one literally catch fire and another that had the strangest, unexplainable electrical problems. I would not buy another Ford again if you paid me too! I am relying now on Dodge and Chrysler and so far so good! xpray
we had a 1988 white Buick named Betty. (my sister put huge speakers in the trunk, man was that a cool ride!) (he he)
My car in high school was a 1986 Dodge Lanser, some pukey orange color, named Lance.(He was my favorite)
My husbands car in college 1989 blue Plymouth Sundance, named Aunt Jemimah (not sure why)
We named his 2000 Dodge Neon,cinnamon crunch because it's color was cinnamon and then we got in a car accident with her and decided not to name the next one... especially nothing with the name that sounds like a crash!!
I love cars with names, but the name definately has to fit the car!
HS, I also have a Chrysler which will probably be my last one. Not as bad as your Fords, but from now on I'll stick with GM. And sure I like you - you make me laugh with all those hilarious threads you start.
Margaret Morford
My favorite car was a 1978 MG Midget named Veronica. My current vehicle is a full sized Dodge conversion van fondly referred to as "The Blimp". The van before it was "Mom's Bus".
Add me to the list of Ford haters. I had one with the infamous transmission problem which popped out of park whenever it decided to and rolled away. It committed suicide by hitting a tree. A couple of months later Ford did a recall for that problem. I stuck with GM for a long time, then bought an Escort which spontaneously combusted in my garage and nearly burned the house down. A couple of months later there was a recall for faulty ignition switches that caused fires. My third Ford had the transmission FALL OUT with only 700 miles on it, apparently because the bolts "sheared off". It took me forever to get Ford to repair it under warranty because I "must have done something to it".
My daughter's Mustang convertible was named "The Money Pit" because it was a blue hole in the driveway into which we threw money.
we called my last minivan the "mommy-van"... I told the kids my next car will be mustang convertible!
That was the last Ford vehicle I will ever own!
I had a bright orange Ford Fiesta named Garfield, A Ford Tempo that I called P-O-S, A silver Fiero called the silver bullet and my car now is a 2003 black PT Cruiser that my daughter named Black Beauty, my nephew and sister call it the PP (putt putt cruiser, I call them jealous). My sister and her son call their Honda Albert.
It's not a southern thing...I can remember my sister and her husband named their cars all the time when I was little.
We had an old Chevy 4-door cavalier that was about as ugly as anything you've seen, and made noises that I'd never heard before or since. My husband was so good to drive that car for so long until we could afford something new. When my daughter was 3 or 4 she had to ride in it (we rarely drove the vehicle with her in it ... just didn't seem safe). She gave the car a name that stuck until we put it out of its misery (and ours too) -- the rattle-trap.