Wal Mart Braggin' Rights

The post about grocery shopping must have contained 30 mentions of Wal Mart. I live in Madison, MS, just outside Jackson. We are building the largest WM in the United States here. Our female mayor has real tight standards, allows no signs over 3 feet tall, every building adheres to a paint scheme code, lot sizes are dictated strictly,etc. Our Wal Mart is going to be not only the biggest in the country (now Memphis is) but it will be the first red brick one. She allows none of the WM colors, all must be earth tones. The new interchange on the interstate at our exit is also the same matching red brick. And there is a requirement that they face the docks away from the road so they cannot be seen and there'll be none of those rickety buggy collectors out front that have signs saying, "Help us save you money by putting your cart here". Boy, talk about letters to the editor in the statewide newspaper. Anyway, I look forward to shopping the wide new aisles and riding the escalator at the new Wal Mart up to the helipad. I just hope they have good stuff in hardware.
I think your mayor needs to find a job! I'm all for "keep our city beautiful," but that's bordering on ridiculous!
Does your mayor have any say over customer service at Wal-Mart? If so- THEN you have Wal Mart Braggin' rights!
Enjoy your new Wal Mart, if it stays open 24 hrs like ours use to, it will attract every freak and lunatic within a 20 mile radius. Hence the use to stay open.
Oh and don't let me forget this...our Wal Mart has the first 40 spaces in front of the store reserved for handicapped people. You have to park in the north 40 and hike to the store. Every time I go there, there are 3 cars in handicap and 8 bazillion in the north 40. I love the people that roll in with no handicap card displayed but whip it out once they are parked 10 steps from the front door...and I've been hikin for an hour with a complaining kid...ERRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Sorry...I feel better now. Trust me Don, you'll find something to complain about with Wal Mart. I can't wait, please be sure and share it with the rest of us.
comes from CHINA.(cringe- look at our nation's trade deficit ! ) But you do not see Wal Mart itself bragging about that! I try very hard to buy American-made products at our Riverside Wal-Mart.
"I love the people that roll in with no handicap card displayed but whip it
out once they are parked 10 steps from the front door"
They don't do that to be sneaky -- they are supposed to hang it up only when they are ready to park. It says right on the tag that it's illegal to drive around with your handicap tag displayed.
I do, however, believe that some of them hang it up a bit too gleefully.
I know that I will regret even bringing this up. Reading HRGirl's post reminded me that when our Wal-Mart (just regular, not Super) opened, they had what must have been 15 spots for disabled shoppers, 10 spots for disabled shoppers in vans, 5 spots for expectant mothers and 3 spots for parents with sick children. I'm serious! I don't know if this is common throughout the rest of the country, but Wal-Mart isn't the only one to do this in my community.
I am off to our annual employee cookout!
Happy Friday!
I just looked at your profile and you truly do make the best with what you have!
I think we can ALL agree that there are two sides to every story. (In some cases - three or four sides!) I did a stint of small discount store and retail pharmacy. We had our customers that we liked and the ones that we didn't. The same holds true for cashiers and sales clerks. Admit it. You actually have been waited on by a nice and competent clerk at least once in your life! Don? Parabeagle? Rockie? Aprilshowers? I know that I have been waited on by pleasant, happy and productive people.
I usually give my card to those folks and try to recruit them!
Would we find a description of it in the Dress Code thread?
>Would we find a description of it in the Dress Code thread?
Hey...that's probably that "googly" eye look again. Watch out Don!
What are the Wal Mart colors? I've never been in a Wal Mart. Are they really garish or something?
We have a plain ol' WalMart in the next town over, which is currently in the process of expanding to a Super WalMart. The problem I see in smaller communities (it just happened in a neighboring county), is that WalMart drives every little guy out of business. The neighboring county had three local groceries, a couple of neighborhood hardware stores and a downtown with some small clothing stores, etc. Now you may choose your grocery store, either WalMart or Shop N Save, no others managed to survive. The JC Penney is still there, but all the other clothing stores are gone. Downtown has nearly died. I hope it doesn't happen here.
In our little town we just got our first traffic light. We still have no fast food, but I hear there may be plans for a Subway! We are a long way from getting a Super WalMart, or any other WalMart.
That said, my aunt works at the WalMart in the neighboring county, and she says they are horrible employers, making employees work "off the clock" and giving them far too much to do in 40 hours then making them stay (off the clock) to finish. Customer service, as you can imagine, is non existent with overworked, underpaid, ill-treated employees. It is clean, cheap and has wide aisles, though.
>type building. Red brick? Unheard of, it costs too much (King of
>the discounts, remember?)"
I don't know where yours is, or how old, but all the ones I've seen are grey with red and blue accents. Much better than a "barfy yellow barn"!
AMERICAN manufacturers also ! Ever see how much stuff Wal Mart sells that comes from CHINA? The consumers in the small communities still have the ( buying )power to choose their very own AMERICAN-made products , and buy from their local sources...