Salesmen Blow off's

Have any of you had the experience when a salesman is in the lobby looking for you as you happen to walk by and you get that rush of panic that the receptionist is going to say "oh, well there she/he is now!"
This happened to me this afternoon! The receptionist was so wonderful, she told the man that I had left for a conference in Chicago and wouldn't be back in this week. I was so greatful I bought her lunch! x:7
This happened to me this afternoon! The receptionist was so wonderful, she told the man that I had left for a conference in Chicago and wouldn't be back in this week. I was so greatful I bought her lunch! x:7
Remember the Seinfeld episode when a telemarketer called Jerry and he asked the telemarketer for his home phone number and he refused to give it to Jerry? Jerry then said "Well I guess you don't want to be bothered at home huh?" The guy evidently replied back "No." Then Jerry said "Now, you know how I feel" and hung up. I think that's a priceless one. I used it a couple of times and they don't know how to respond!
Ok. You can all slam on me for being too nice to telemarketers now.
Now who's the schmuck
It's true, these jobs are especially helpful for students. My teenaged son has worked as a telemarketer and has done very well. He said he really only got a couple of rude people per day. I was very glad that I changed my attitude about them - before he started doing the job.
In our state, Missouri, you can place yourself on a "no call list" through the Attorney General's office. We did so about a year ago and the calls dropped off dramatically.
I got a call last night from our cablevision company wanting to know if I wanted to buy a new digital cable box that would record programs on another channel while I was watching a program. I asked him why would I want this when I couldn't find any decent programs to watch on one channel!
I'll get off my soap box about BigZoo now. x:D
>You can call from anywhere, to anywhere, and it's 2.9 cents from
>your home area, and 3.9 cents to use there 1-800 access number.
Ruskanen - Check out [url][/url] - 2.5-2.9 cents per minute and no service fee. We've been using it for a year or two.