Why I love this job!

Ok, we griped, we vented, we moaned, and complained. Yet we persist in HR! Why is that? What's the positive side to this rewarding/frustrating job that keeps you coming back day after day?
I will start... in HR I feel like I can make a difference. I feel I have a direct connection to an individual's employment experience. When someone comes to me and says "this is the best job I have ever had. I've never been treated this way before!" then I know I have done something right.
You might not be able to change the world, but you might make a change that will mean the world to one person.
I will start... in HR I feel like I can make a difference. I feel I have a direct connection to an individual's employment experience. When someone comes to me and says "this is the best job I have ever had. I've never been treated this way before!" then I know I have done something right.
You might not be able to change the world, but you might make a change that will mean the world to one person.
1. The employee that we counseled with repeatedly about getting help with alcoholism. He was 55 years old and had an alcohol problem for years that the company had ignored. We finally fired him after numerous warnings because we were "enabling" if we didn't. I worried that he would go home and drink himself to death. Nine months later, he showed up with his 6 month sobriety chip and asked if we would re-hire him. He said that getting fired made him realize that he's hit rock bottem and had to do something. We re-hired and he's still there and sober last time I checked.
2. The employee who made an appointment with me and wouldn't tell anyone what it was about. She was a real blunt one. If she hated something the company did, she was quick to tell you about it. When we sat down, I steeled myself as she said, "In our training class last week, you said something and I needed to come see you about it. You joked that being in Human Resources, no one ever comes to your office to tell you they love their job and they just had to come tell someone about it. I thought that was awful, so I made an appointment to come tell you that I love my job and I appreciate everything you do to make the company better. I don't always agree with all that you do, but I know you always try to do what you think is best for the employees and the company." I almost fell over!
3. A person that worked for me who told me I was her "minotaur". It was a wonderful complement once I figured out she meant "mentor".
Isn't this a great profession! No other job provides moments like these!
Margaret Morford
The thing I missed most about HR (I took a break to get my MBA) was the opportunity to look at a problem 10 different ways, analyze it, and make a recommendation on how to proceed while under pressure of a time schedule. I know it sounds unbelievable, but I really did miss this type of hectic, fast-paced world of HR. Now that I am back in the midst of it.......I wonder.
Just call me "Crazy in Missouri"
Or maybe it is because you see a high school drop out decide to go back to school. Today s/he is head of your Engineering Department in charge of product development.
Then again,it could be for the opportunity to wear all the different hats that are tossed at us. x:7
You echoed my sentiment at the end of "what ticks me off". It is what makes the "stressors" of this job all the more bearable...being able to make a difference.
I also love when an applicant / employee sends you a personal "thank-you" for interviewing them, when they tell you things like, "...thank you for making me feel so comfortable and at ease...", and my personal favorite: "...thanks for believing in me and hiring me last July...in today's world it's wonderful to meet genuinely nice people like yourself..."
My wall is filled with personal thank-you notes such as these...and all I need to do on a particularly stressful or hectic day, is turn and see all those who've appreciated the good I've done in helping them. It puts a great big smile on my face!
Margaret Morford
And I agree with everyone, this job is great because of the difference you make.
of company, but working in HR keeps me in direct contact w/ all employees, not
just dept. supervisors. I believe my best opportunity to "leave" something
behind in work ethic, company integrity, and quality employment practices is via
Where do you work? That is so refreshing! A company that really careers about their employees. I don't know about you guys but I am tired of only HR caring about their employees.
Shame on us...let's try to focus on the positives!
I love this job because I get to learn everyday. Each new day brings another challenge that I get to overcome. What could be better than that?