Borrowing Vacation

Does anyone have a policy on Borrowing vacation? We just found out that the company is closing for the entire week of Thanksgiving and two weeks for December holidays. The owner doesn't want all employees to start borrowing weeks of vacation in order to be paid during these times. (it is a small struggling company) We have let employees borrow in the past, but have no policy..I am supposed to write a policy ASAP to distribute.
Can anyone help???
Can anyone help???
Even this is not fool proof, and we have one or two situations where employee's have inadvertently gotten ahead of us. I had to tell one gentleman yesterday, that he only has 10 hours of vacation time left to carry him until his next anniversary, in Oct 2004!
Our next step would be to adopt a formal policy stating that vacation time can not be use in advance. If I do this, I will probably include a exception for "extraordinary circumstances" such as FMLA situation. But I need to think that through, as it seems it would leave us open to problems still.
Learning and loving every day...
Cheryl C.