Pre-employment Drug Screens

We do pre-employment drug screens. Because of the time it takes to schedule the appointment and get the results back (approximately 1 week) at one of our locations in Iowa, the plant manager wants to hire the employee before he has been in for a drug screen.
Is it legal then, if the drug screen comes back positive 1 week after they start, to terminate their employment for this reason? Our handbook does say all employees are "at-will" employees and "as a condition of employment, the company will maintain post-offer, pre-employment drug screening practices."
Is it legal then, if the drug screen comes back positive 1 week after they start, to terminate their employment for this reason? Our handbook does say all employees are "at-will" employees and "as a condition of employment, the company will maintain post-offer, pre-employment drug screening practices."
Yes, it would be HR's problem. I was told once that I get good money to be the "fall guy." (I'm not a guy).