Alcohol Consumption Policy while Representing Organization

In reviewing my risk assessment, I started to think about employee consumption of alcohol at events. I don't mean the Summer Clambake or Holiday Reception which are held at outside function facilities and employees may purchase alcohol. I am thinking of other outside events where employees, usually officers and above, represent the Bank and alcohol is available for sale or open bar. A specific example would be charity golf tournaments where the Bank pays for a foursome, they represent the Bank in the community and there is a dinner afterwards. We have never had a problem, but in doing a risk assessment, I thought it might be good to address a standard in writing. Does anyone have a policy like this?
This is company policy as stated in the Drug Free Workplace Policy on page seven of the Employee Handbook.
Employees shall not consume alcoholic beverages at anytime during working hours or at any function in association with work.
Additionally, alcohol is not a qualified expense for reimbursement under the company’s travel expense reimbursement policy. Alcohol or bar tabs in association with business meetings or functions will not be reimbursed."