Workers Comp Policy Manual

I've decided to come to ask the most knowledgeable people if you would be willing to share your WC policy with me. I recently had an ee go out on WC and I went looking to find out if our FMLA policy ran concurrently with our WC, well, as you see by my post, I found we do not and have not had for some time, a policy for Workers comp. I don't know for how long this agency has not had a written workers comp policy even if this is illegal not to have one. Anyhow, I'd like to get from behind the eight ball, being the new kid on the block and write a simple one, lengthly one, whatever it takes. I've read the one available on HR HERO and I am looking for a little more input before I make my final pitch to the powers above and insist this policy be in effect immediately. We are a non-profit agency if that means anything, not to me when it comes to policy, we have approximately 130 employees and are located in NH. If you would like to email me you can @ [email][/email]. I would appreciate hearing from any of you. Thanks loads. Mary!


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