"Donating" Time Off

Since the FSLA does not require payment for time not worked (vacation, sick time, holidays) is there a reason employees should not be allowed to "donate" days to fellow employees who need more paid time off for medical reasons or personal tragedies?
Obviously, we would want to write a policy setting limits and circumstances when we would allow this. But are there any legal reasons?
Obviously, we would want to write a policy setting limits and circumstances when we would allow this. But are there any legal reasons?
Donated Vacation Time Policy
Illness/Attendance Policy
Shared Leave Policies and Forms
Catastrophic Leave Donation Policy
Those policies are posted at [url]http://www.hrhero.com/policies/policyindex.shtml[/url]
Here's a link to the thread on this topic:
Employees donating leave time to another employee
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor