Pay Day Changes Due to Holidays

In this day of electronic banking, can an employer change "pay day" as the result of a holiday; payroll usually phoned in on Monday, however due to holiday - Tuesday. Therefore, changing payday from Wednesday to Thursday. I remember reading somewhere in HR resource documentation that in Feb 03 a law was passed preventing this sort of hardship due to electronic banking needs. Please clarify.......
is there some reason you couldn't call in your payroll on Friday? to avoid changing the pay date?
We never change the dates of our checks, even if it is 12/25. However, we do change the dates of transmission to our payroll provider depending upon when a holiday might be. We transmit on Monday, receive checks back on Tues. and send them out to our plants that day. Our actual payday is Friday, but we hand them out on Thursday and they are dated Thursday. This means that if we do it on Tuesday instead of Monday, there is a chance some of our employees checks are not deposited on Thursday, but should be there by Friday. This is something we tell them they need to work out with their bank. If you tell them ahead of time, it doesn't seem to be a problem. You could transmit on Friday if you wanted to. I think suspending all employees deposits is a little strong. Some folks may want theirs to go no matter what date they go in.
E Wart